Hi @jk ,
Thank you for posting query in Microsoft Q&A Platform.
There is no direct way of accessing variable of one pipeline in another pipeline.
But you can think of below work arounds.
Option1: Lets say you have pipeline1 and pipeline2. In pipeline1 you have a variable called "testvariable" and you want to pass that variable value to pipeline2.
In this case, follow below steps to pass variable from pipeline1 to pipeline2.
- In pipeline2 create a parameter to take value from variable. Lets say create a parameter with name "testParameter".
- At the end of pipeline1 use Execute pipeline activity to call pipeline. Once you select pipeline2 in execute pipeline activity then it will ask you to supply value for "testParameter". Here you pass your variable as value.
- Now in pipeline2 access "testParameter" where ever you want to consume its value.
Option2: At the end of pipeline1 try to store that variable value in to some table or file in your preferred storage and then in pipeline2 try to use Lookup activity to take that data in to pipeline from that table or file.
Your ask actually triggers a great idea of enhancing product too. Having global variables which you can be set and accessed anywhere within ADF or Synapse Pipelines. I strongly encourage you to log this item as feedback in below ADF or Synapse feedbacks portal. Product team will closely monitor feedbacks and consider them for future releases.
- Synapse Feedback portal: https://feedback.azure.com/d365community/forum/9b9ba8e4-0825-ec11-b6e6-000d3a4f07b8
- ADF feedback portal: https://feedback.azure.com/d365community/forum/1219ec2d-6c26-ec11-b6e6-000d3a4f032c
Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.
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