So as a DBA I have inherited a app where lots of TRUNCATE TABLE statements are being used in the stored procedures, I could find around 40 different tables being mentioned on TRUNCATE statement in one database itself on various sp's.
Currently I have given ALTER TABLE permissions on those tables, but i am trying to remove that permission.
Replacing TRUNCATE by DELETE could be one of the options, but given the large number of sps that use truncate, I think there could be some slowness there. Plus there is a reluctance to make a code change on so many sp's from app, but I am looking into it.
Next, I have looked into the EXECUTE AS option, the testing that I have done - I don't think the EXECUTE AS OWNER can be used in between the sp code - Looks like it has to be mentioned at the top , which I don't want to do as I was trying to just use the EXECUTE AS only on the TRUNCATE module statements - The TRUNCATE statements are scattered all over the sp.
This works -
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[truncate_test]
This does not:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[truncate_test]
So I am trying to avoid running all those many sp's under owner.
I also don't want to create like 40 sp's which are for per table truncate and give exec on them to app and have them change the code which includes that sp instead of truncate statement.
Whats the solution to this, has anyone seen / been thru this before? Is there a sp that I can create which takes the table name as parameter and I can then have the app make the code change in their many sp's and replace the truncate by that sp where they just need to give in the table name, I think I have seen that mentioned on one of the forums but wanted to see if there are no other security side-effects of it and this post is basically to know how DBA's are solving this issue? Thanks a lot.