The Merge is the final stage at the moment, I raised a feature request about this last year, to allow Columns to be exported. A little like the export of a row, but for columns. I havent heard if it will be done, but it was noted and put on the backlog. ![174407-image.png][1] However I do have a workaround. Step 1, create two Parameters in your workbook - I called mine A and B (a= your ARG query, B= Logs query) Step 2, create Query Step and use this code (modify as you see fit) let merge1 = dynamic(['{a}']); let merge2 = dynamic(['{b}']); print a=split(merge1,','), b=split(merge2,',') | project missingComputer=set_difference(a, b) set_difference
is used to find Computers in the first array (a) thats are not in the other array (b): ![174417-screenshot-2022-02-15-093559.png][2] [1]: /api/attachments/174407-image.png?platform=QnA [2]: /api/attachments/174417-screenshot-2022-02-15-093559.png?platform=QnA
Azure Workbook merge query visualization
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I have created an Azure Workbook with a merge query that combines two table sources.
This produces a nice table of resources (in this case, a list of VM's).
Now all I want to do is somehow summarize this merged table and get the total number of VM's count, presented in a tile.
Anyone know if this is possible?
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