Found this although I was trying to find my own solution for this topic. I remember there was a blog post where several interesting solutions (mine included) were presented several years back. Unfortunately, I forgot who was MS employee who made that series and trying to use 'Naomi count limno' as search terms didn't yield the result. (BTW, it would be nice if this editor would support spell check).
Extract Column details from table
I will have to pass table name as input parameter. The return will like
Can anyone please help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
4 answers
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Naomi Nosonovsky 7,856 Reputation points
2022-02-09T21:31:54.067+00:00 This is not what I was specifically searching for, but it's close -
Erland Sommarskog 111.1K Reputation points MVP
2022-02-09T22:53:10.813+00:00 Try this:
DECLARE @tbl sysname = 'Orders', @sql nvarchar(MAX) SELECT @sql = string_agg( convert(nvarchar(MAX), 'SELECT ') + quotename(name, '''') + ' AS column_name, COUNT(*) AS total_count, COUNT(' + quotename(name) + ') AS not_null_count, COUNT(DISTINCT ' + quotename(name) + ') AS distinct_count FROM ' + quotename(@tbl), char(13) + char(10) + 'UNION ALL' + char(13) + char(10)) FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = object_id(@tbl) PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql)
It does not handle "blank" values. That's requires more work, since this is only applicable to string columns.
LiHong-MSFT 10,051 Reputation points
2022-02-11T05:58:28.403+00:00 Hi @sourav dutta
Please check this:
A little modification on Erland's answer ,which add 'nullif' to deal with blank values:DECLARE @tbl sysname = 'Table_name', @sql nvarchar(MAX) SELECT @sql = string_agg( convert(nvarchar(MAX), 'SELECT ') + quotename(name, '''') + ' AS column_name, COUNT(*) AS total_count, COUNT(nullif(convert(varchar,' + quotename(name) + '),'''')) AS not_null_count, COUNT(DISTINCT nullif(convert(varchar,' + quotename(name) + '),'''')) AS distinct_count FROM ' + quotename(@tbl), char(13) + char(10) + 'UNION ALL' + char(13) + char(10)) FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = object_id(@tbl) PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql)
Best regards,
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