Teams/Channel content replication using Graph API
Hello all Graph API users,
We are a College in the process of migrating from one LMS to Office 365/Teams.
Previosuly we used a RESTful API to copy over digital course content from previous years courses to the new ones. This procedure ran an automated API, mapping all the digital content from the old courses to the new.
While Teams has a facility to use an existing Teams (course site) as a Template for a new Teams site, the feature only permits replication of the folder and tab structure, and not the files or digital media content within.
The procedure for running the old API, including the following essential workflows:
- exporting a csv file of the previous years courses (including the course ID)
- Creating the new course shells and importing them to the LMS
- Running a REST command in PowerShell to perfom the following:
- map the old course IDs to the new. This procedure included obtaining Token authentication
- then a command line to map the line destination ID to the institution tenant url from the line source id
In keeping with the method above, it would first require the ability to export data from existing Teams (assuming each Team or channel has a unique ID) plus the ability to import the new course shells.
That brings me to the question.
Has anyone tried anything remotely like this before for Teams and Channels?
If so would you mind sharing how you achieved this? Otherwise any further guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,