I have an Azure MySql Flexible instance running at foo.mysql.database.azure.com with zone redundant HA enabled. I attempted a forced failover per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/mysql/flexible-server/concepts-high-availability. After the failover, my app was throwing errors that the database instance was read-only. After about 10 minutes, I did another forced failover and then the app started to respond correctly (no more read-only errors).
It looks like the database failed over, but perhaps my app remained connected to the same instance, which by that point was a read-only standby, since the one in the other zone became the new primary? However, the article linked above claims that the DNS record should update and point to the new primary location, which is now in a different zone.
What is missing here? Was the 10 minutes not long enough for DNS to propagate completely? Usually Azure DNS changes are lightning fast, so I'm not convinced that was the problem.