Hi, I have successfully set up a Iot Central application which I can send data to devices through a web endpoint. This was set up using https://github.com/Azure/iotc-device-bridge
I have been pushing data to the endpoint using python script running on another cloud provider and it works beautifully. Now, we want to move everything over to Azure to make the deployment more efficient and cheaper. However, with the Iot hub not being a full-fledged MQTT broker, I am a little lost on how to move this data to the web endpoint as I am new to Azure.
-I have tried triggering a function using the event grid trigger on the iot hub, but for some reason I can not get the incoming MQTT to pass through
-I have tried using an event to send the data to a web hook, but it fails to send back a confirmation causing a deployment error
-I have tried streaming the data to blob storage and then creating a function to take the data from that endpoint and pass it to the other, this method worked but the costs associated make switching not worth our while.