I browsed SharePoint home page and I created event called "test12345" and but I am not seeing that event in the home page and also all events area in the home page.
When I search that even with display name it is visible , however when I see it in the page in the all events area and home page it is not showing up.
I can see in the calendar. PFA
I am global and site collection admin as well, and few of site collection admins also facing same issue.
Category option is showing any thing (its not drop down) when I clicked edit event web part option. PFA
And how do we know under which category it is there now? as i see it is blank, is there any powershell command to show that?
how many events allowed max? is there any MicroSoft link to show up that this is the maximum count for the no of events in the event web part?
Please suggest
is it crawling issue? if it is so what needs to be done and what commands needs to execute to fix this issue?
Do I need to change anything over there?