my app is drawing a 'word-map' bitmap that identifies the locations of a given word inside a RichTextBox.
see code below:
RichTextBox rtxTemp = new RichTextBox(); // needed to set to UpperCase before searching word in text
rtxTemp.Rtf = ckRTX.rtx.Rtf;
rtxTemp.Text = rtxTemp.Text.ToUpper();
Point ptTopChar = ckRTX.rtx.GetPositionFromCharIndex(0);
Point ptLastChar = ckRTX.rtx.GetPositionFromCharIndex(ckRTX.rtx.Text.Length - 1);
string strLastChar = ckRTX.rtx.Text[rtxTemp.Text.Length - 1].ToString();
Size szLastChar = TextRenderer.MeasureText(strLastChar, ckRTX.rtx.Font);
Rectangle recSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, ckRTX.rtx.Width, ptLastChar.Y - ptTopChar.Y + szLastChar.Height);
dblFactorDraw = (double)Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / (double)recSource.Height;
Size szTextSource = TextRenderer.MeasureText(strWord, ckRTX.rtx.Font);
Size szDrawRec = new Size((int)(szTextSource.Width * dblFactorDraw), (int)(szTextSource.Height * dblFactorDraw));
Bitmap bmpDraw = new Bitmap((int)(recSource.Width * dblFactorDraw), (int)(recSource.Height * dblFactorDraw));
int intCounter = 0;
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpDraw))
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new RectangleF(0, 0, bmpDraw.Width, bmpDraw.Height));
int intIndex = rtxTemp.Text.IndexOf(strWord);
while (intIndex >= 0)
char chrBefore = intIndex > 0
? rtxTemp.Text[intIndex - 1]
: ' ';
char chrAfter = intIndex + strWord.Length < rtxTemp.Text.Length - 2
? rtxTemp.Text[intIndex + strWord.Length]
: ' ';
if (!Char.IsLetter(chrBefore) && !Char.IsLetter(chrAfter))
Point ptStart = ckRTX.rtx.GetPositionFromCharIndex(intIndex);
Point ptDraw = new Point((int)(dblFactorDraw * ptStart.X), (int)(dblFactorDraw * (ptStart.Y - ptTopChar.Y)));
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, new Rectangle(ptDraw, szDrawRec));
intIndex = rtxTemp.Text.IndexOf(strWord, intIndex + 1);
catch (Exception)
intIndex = -1;
_bmpMapBase = bmpDraw;
-- this works and does what I want it to do but now I want this to be done by a BackgroundWorker. I've tried having the BackgroundWorker create it's own RichTextBox to work with but copying the original RTX's .RTF property to the BackgroundWorker's RTF property is causing a cross-threading error.
Is there a way to make a copy of the original RTX's RTF property (keeping its formatting) so that I can then initialize the BackgroundWorker's own RTX with the original's RTF?