@Farooq` s Thanks for the confirmation. Logic app does have Azure Devops connector and as per your requirement as you want to move the file so it would the get file operation. For sending attachments to DevOps or getting the DevOps file you need to leverage the Send an HTTP request to Azure DevOps action where you need to construct an Azure DevOps REST API request to invoke the rest and get the file content from the DevOps end.
Looking into the Azure Data Explorer connector document I don't see any action that can help in creating the file at the data explorer end but you can still review if any of the four connectors can help in creating the file. If not then the alternative would be leveraging the Azure Data Explorer API if any through the Native HTTP connector to create the file using the content that you have received from invoking the DevOps REST API.
Trigger --> Send an HTTP request to Azure DevOps (to get the file content) --> Native HTTP trigger to create the file at azure data explorer end --> Send an HTTP request to Azure DevOps call (to delete the file)