@raminder chima Thanks for reaching out. The messages will only be moved to the dead letter queue only on these scenarios as mentioned here.
If you observe that the consumer is not available and still the message are moving the dead letter queue then one of the reasons would be either you have set the time to live property while sending the message or set the default time to live property at the entity level i.e. queue/subscription.
In case if your consumer doesn't consume the message within the TTL then the messages are moved to the dead letter queue if you have enabled the "dead letter on message expiration" property.
I will suggest you to use service bus explorer to know the reason why the messages were moved to the dead letter queue.
If the root cause of messages moving to the dead letter queue is TTLExpiredException
then I will suggest you to increase the value to the max supported value as per the SKU or as per your requirement. For more details on message expiry, you can refer to this document.
Multiple consumers will not have any impact and the suggestion would first know the root cause why the messages were moved to the dead letter queue at the first place. As mentioned, you can use service bus explorer to peek the message from the dead letter queue and the message property will have the reason details.