Hi everyone,
I've ran into a problem for the second time now after I already considered it fixed.
I have a storage pool (Windows Server 2016, thin provisioning, mirror layout) with one volume and one disk. I deleted the whole thing originally because I couldn't extend it beyond 16TB. I created a pool with 43,7TB and a virtual disk with 20TB and was happy that it worked. However, the last days I've reached about 16,4TB and started to receive in-app error messages when trying to save more data on the volume, programs crashing etc. So, in the end the problem is still there and I have no idea how to solve it. I've tried to create another virtual disk on the pool (4TB) and that worked. So I have the feeling it's not an error with the pool. But how can I make this thing to work with more than 16TB?
A summary on the configuration:
1 storage pool (43,7TB) with 6 Disks (2x12TB, 4x6TB) - ignore the 4TB system and 18TB backup disk.
1 virtual disk (capacity 20TB, allocated 16,4TB))
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-physicaldisk
FriendlyName SerialNumber CanPool OperationalStatus HealthStatus Usage Size
------------ ------------ ------- ----------------- ------------ ----- ----
WDC WD60EFRX-68L0BN1 WD-WX11DC61YY2H False OK Healthy Auto-Select 5.46 TB
WDC WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0 V8G2YN3M False OK Healthy Auto-Select 5.46 TB
4TB-SYSTEM WD40EFRX-68WT0N0 WD-WCC4E0228048 False OK Healthy Auto-Select 3.64 TB
ST12000NM001G-2MV103 ZLW1SZAT False OK Healthy Auto-Select 10.91 TB
WDC WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0 V8G4XJ9M False OK Healthy Auto-Select 5.46 TB
ST18000NM000J-2TV103 WR500XJR False OK Healthy Auto-Select 16.37 TB
WDC WD60EFRX-68L0BN1 WD-WXB1HB4J4UM3 False OK Healthy Auto-Select 5.46 TB
ST12000NM001G-2MV103 ZLW1RT66 False OK Healthy Auto-Select 10.91 TB
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-PhysicalDisk | select FriendlyName, Manufacturer, Model, PhysicalSectorSize, LogicalSectorSize | ft
FriendlyName Manufacturer Model PhysicalSectorSize LogicalSectorSize
------------ ------------ ----- ------------------ -----------------
WDC WD60EFRX-68L0BN1 WDC WD60EFRX-68L0BN1 4096 512
WDC WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0 WDC WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0 4096 512
ST12000NM001G-2MV103 ST12000NM001G-2MV103 4096 512
WDC WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0 WDC WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0 4096 512
ST18000NM000J-2TV103 ST18000NM000J-2TV103 4096 512
WDC WD60EFRX-68L0BN1 WDC WD60EFRX-68L0BN1 4096 512
ST12000NM001G-2MV103 ST12000NM001G-2MV103 4096 512
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-storagepool | format-list
ObjectId : [deleted]
PassThroughClass :
PassThroughIds :
PassThroughNamespace :
PassThroughServer :
UniqueId : {e067b894-6eea-4a8b-9f7f-8cb4333fb7dc}
AllocatedSize : 44797582639104
ClearOnDeallocate : False
EnclosureAwareDefault : False
FaultDomainAwarenessDefault : PhysicalDisk
FriendlyName : shares_pool
HealthStatus : Healthy
IsClustered : False
IsPowerProtected : False
IsPrimordial : False
IsReadOnly : False
LogicalSectorSize : 512
MediaTypeDefault : Unspecified
Name :
OperationalStatus : OK
OtherOperationalStatusDescription :
OtherUsageDescription :
PhysicalSectorSize : 4096
ProvisioningTypeDefault : Fixed
ReadOnlyReason : None
RepairPolicy : Parallel
ResiliencySettingNameDefault : Mirror
RetireMissingPhysicalDisks : Auto
Size : 48000017629184
SupportedProvisioningTypes : {Thin, Fixed}
SupportsDeduplication : True
ThinProvisioningAlertThresholds : {70}
Usage : Other
Version : Windows Server 2016
WriteCacheSizeDefault : Auto
WriteCacheSizeMax : 18446744073709551614
WriteCacheSizeMin : 0
PSComputerName :
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-volume | format-list
ObjectId : [deleted]
PassThroughClass :
PassThroughIds :
PassThroughNamespace :
PassThroughServer :
UniqueId : \\?\Volume{c6f127de-0ebe-4ccb-afb0-42c802f0ea46}\
AllocationUnitSize : 8192
DedupMode : Disabled
DriveLetter : D
DriveType : Fixed
FileSystem : NTFS
FileSystemLabel : shares
FileSystemType : NTFS
HealthStatus : Healthy
OperationalStatus : OK
Path : \\?\Volume{c6f127de-0ebe-4ccb-afb0-42c802f0ea46}\
Size : 21990364667904
SizeRemaining : 4328727322624
PSComputerName :
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-virtualdisk | format-list
ObjectId : [deleted]
PassThroughClass :
PassThroughIds :
PassThroughNamespace :
PassThroughServer :
UniqueId : 9D3B85083C449E4F93E34692D75FC37E
Access : Read/Write
AllocatedSize : 17999402631168
AllocationUnitSize : 268435456
ColumnIsolation : PhysicalDisk
DetachedReason : None
FaultDomainAwareness : PhysicalDisk
FootprintOnPool : 35999342133248
FriendlyName : shares_volume
HealthStatus : Healthy
Interleave : 262144
IsDeduplicationEnabled : False
IsEnclosureAware : False
IsManualAttach : False
IsSnapshot : False
IsTiered : False
LogicalSectorSize : 512
MediaType : Unspecified
Name :
NameFormat :
NumberOfAvailableCopies :
NumberOfColumns : 3
NumberOfDataCopies : 2
NumberOfGroups : 1
OperationalStatus : OK
OtherOperationalStatusDescription :
OtherUsageDescription :
ParityLayout :
PhysicalDiskRedundancy : 1
PhysicalSectorSize : 4096
ProvisioningType : Thin
ReadCacheSize : 0
RequestNoSinglePointOfFailure : False
ResiliencySettingName : Mirror
Size : 21990500990976
UniqueIdFormat : Vendor Specific
UniqueIdFormatDescription :
Usage : Other
WriteCacheSize : 0
PSComputerName :
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-VirtualDisk | Select-Object FriendlyName,HealthStatus, OperationalStatus, DetachedReason
FriendlyName HealthStatus OperationalStatus DetachedReason
------------ ------------ ----------------- --------------
shares_volume Healthy OK None