It seems I figured it out now. Drive letter D: was assigned to 350MB system partition which is a part of CloudBuilder.vhdx.
When I removed this drive letter and assigned it to my deployment partition, everything went ok.
It looks like this small partition was "accidentally" used to store logs until completely exhausted.
ASDK 2108 install failed on step multiple times
my ASDK 2108 install is failing on step multiple times/various servers:
Invoke-EceAction : Type 'Deployment' of Role 'ACSBlob' raised an exception:
DSC failures:
AZSTACK.azurestack.local: Even though Start-DscConfiguration completed without errors,
Test-DscConfiguration indicates that not all resources have converged on
AZSTACK.azurestack.local.Resources not in desired state:
ConfigurationName : BlobNodeConfiguration
DependsOn : {[File]BlobDumpFolder}
ModuleName : DSC.ACS.Common
ModuleVersion : 1.0
PsDscRunAsCredential :
ResourceId : [FolderAcl]BlobDumpFolderAcl
SourceInfo : C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\ACS\AcsBlobDscConfig.psm1::99::9::FolderAcl
DurationInSeconds : 0.029
Error :
FinalState :
InDesiredState : False
InitialState :
InstanceName : BlobDumpFolderAcl
RebootRequested : False
ResourceName : FolderAcl
StartDate : 3/20/2022 6:30:03 PM
StateChanged : False
PSComputerName : AZSTACK.azurestack.local
ConfigurationName : BlobNodeConfiguration
DependsOn : {[File]BlobLogFolder}
ModuleName : DSC.ACS.Common
ModuleVersion : 1.0
PsDscRunAsCredential :
ResourceId : [FolderAcl]BlobLogFolderAcl
SourceInfo : C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\ACS\AcsBlobDscConfig.psm1::151::9::FolderAcl
DurationInSeconds : 0.028
Error :
FinalState :
InDesiredState : False
InitialState :
InstanceName : BlobLogFolderAcl
RebootRequested : False
ResourceName : FolderAcl
StartDate : 3/20/2022 6:30:05 PM
StateChanged : False
PSComputerName : AZSTACK.azurestack.local
at PublishAndStartDscConfiguration, C:\CloudDeployment\Common\Helpers.psm1: line 1866
at Deploy-AcsBlobNode, C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\ACS\ACSBlob.psm1: line 415
at Deployment, C:\CloudDeployment\Classes\ACSBlob\ACSBlob.psm1: line 54
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\CloudDeployment\ECEngine\InvokeInterfaceInternal.psm1: line 126
at Invoke-EceInterfaceInternal, C:\CloudDeployment\ECEngine\InvokeInterfaceInternal.psm1: line 122
At line:5 char:2
- Invoke-EceAction -RolePath Cloud -ActionType Deployment -Rerun -Retr ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (DSC failures:
:String) [Invoke-EceAction], InterfaceInvocationFailedException - FullyQualifiedErrorId : DSC failures:
AZSTACK.azurestack.local: Even though Start-DscConfiguration completed without errors, Test-D
scConfiguration indicates that not all resources have converged on AZSTACK.azurestack.local.R
esources not in desired state:
ConfigurationName : BlobNodeConfiguration
DependsOn : {[File]BlobDumpFolder}
ModuleName : DSC.ACS.Common
ModuleVersion : 1.0
PsDscRunAsCredential :
ResourceId : [FolderAcl]BlobDumpFolderAcl
SourceInfo : C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\ACS\AcsBlobDscConfig.psm1::99::9::FolderAcl
DurationInSeconds : 0.029
Error :
FinalState :
InDesiredState : False
InitialState :
InstanceName : BlobDumpFolderAcl
RebootRequested : False
ResourceName : FolderAcl
StartDate : 3/20/2022 6:30:03 PM
StateChanged : False
PSComputerName : AZSTACK.azurestack.local
ConfigurationName : BlobNodeConfiguration
DependsOn : {[File]BlobLogFolder}
ModuleName : DSC.ACS.Common
ModuleVersion : 1.0
PsDscRunAsCredential :
ResourceId : [FolderAcl]BlobLogFolderAcl
SourceInfo : C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\ACS\AcsBlobDscConfig.psm1::151::9::FolderAcl
DurationInSeconds : 0.028
Error :
FinalState :
InDesiredState : False
InitialState :
InstanceName : BlobLogFolderAcl
RebootRequested : False
ResourceName : FolderAcl
StartDate : 3/20/2022 6:30:05 PM
StateChanged : False
PSComputerName : AZSTACK.azurestack.local
Invoke-EceAction : Action: Invocation of step failed. Stopping invocation of action
At line:5 char:2
- Invoke-EceAction -RolePath Cloud -ActionType Deployment -Rerun -Retr ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-EceAction], ActionExecutionException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : Unspecified error,CloudEngine.Cmdlets.InvokeCmdlet
Invoke-EceAction : Action: Invocation of step 60.62.86 failed. Stopping invocation of action plan.
At line:5 char:2
- Invoke-EceAction -RolePath Cloud -ActionType Deployment -Rerun -Retr ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-EceAction], ActionExecutionException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : Unspecified error,CloudEngine.Cmdlets.InvokeCmdlet
Invoke-EceAction : Action: Invocation of step 60.62 failed. Stopping invocation of action plan.
At line:5 char:2
- Invoke-EceAction -RolePath Cloud -ActionType Deployment -Rerun -Retr ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-EceAction], ActionExecutionException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : Unspecified error,CloudEngine.Cmdlets.InvokeCmdlet
Invoke-EceAction : Action: Invocation of step 60 failed. Stopping invocation of action plan.
At line:5 char:2
- Invoke-EceAction -RolePath Cloud -ActionType Deployment -Rerun -Retr ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-EceAction], ActionExecutionException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : Unspecified error,CloudEngine.Cmdlets.InvokeCmdlet
Any comments are appreciated.
Thank you.
1 answer
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Roman Zsiros 6 Reputation points