Hi. Last week we had a complete DFSR meltdown, the best we could explain it is that a nodes database was damaged and replication stopped working. In order to fix it we pre-seeded the environment and cloned the database following the instruction here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/storage-at-microsoft/dfs-replication-initial-sync-in-windows-server-2012-r2-attack-of/ba-p/424877
In this replication group we do not have a huge volume, a little over 1TB with 1.5m files or so, we also have the staging size set to 1TB (which I know is high).
Our issue the backlog on the primary file server will start ~300k files, then go down to about 50k then shoot back up to 300k. It has repeated this process 4 times now each time the high number is a tad lower. Replication is really not working well here. There are no errors in the logs but more sharing violation warnings than I would expect.
The other server started out with a backlog of ~50k files, went down to zero and other than a few spikes near 1k stays there and replication works.
Is this expected, is this one of those things where we just wait?
Thanks for any help!