Windows Server 2019 Standard
Version: Product Version = 10.0.17763.1971
WSUS, IIS with WID implemented, SQL Db is not configured as role dependency
Working on WSUS administration with GP linked & enforced
-ran gpresult able to confirm GPO WSUS is listed> client targeting enabled> but computers not listed
-ran multiple commands to enforce GO computers to be listed> still does not registering
-reviewed services.msc
Reviewed WindowsUpdateLog to verify client--server communications
WSUS server:
5460 Agent WSUS server: (null)
5460 Agent WSUS status server: (null)
5460 Agent Alternate Download Server: (null)
Ran WSUS server logs:
Program Files\Update Services\WebServices
--this log section on wsus server includes:
on the processes aforementioned getting the following:
Warning w3wp.25 SoapUtilities.CreateException ThrowException: actor = http://srvr.primary.local:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx, ID=8293cca5-87db-417f-af97-bc7431190a2d, ErrorCode=InternalServerError, Message=, Client=?
Followed the C drive sections: ----C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Dropped WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /ClientWebService/client.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Dropped WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /ClientWebService/Client.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 GET /selfupdate/ - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /reportingwebservice/reportingwebservice.asmx - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /ApiRemoting30/WebService.asmx - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /ServerSyncWebService/serversyncwebservice.asmx - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /ClientWebService/Client.asmx - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 POST /DssAuthWebService/DssAuthWebService.asmx - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
8530 HTTP/1.1 GET /Content/anonymousCheckFile.txt - 503 401885685 Disabled WsusPool
---these logs were gathered directly from WSUS server
WSUS server is on its 3rd installation
WSUS sync has been completed, ran a checkpoint to prevent server corruption once configuration files have been changed
currently, all services for wsus within services.msc are running
Note: the WSUS server continuously crashes with both Error:Connection Error & Error:Database Error
event viewer logs experienced:
event ID: 1309
event ID: 12072
event id: 12052
event id: 12042
event id: 12022
event id: 12032
event id: 12012
event id: 12002
event id: 13042
event id: 7042
event id: 7053
event id: 7032
These errors have been persistent since the 1st deployment. Second, third deployment WSUS server is still crashing.
reason to believe server side issue with IIS & ASP.Net might be experiencing issues
Seeking insight on the follow:
- Followed many technical documentation regarding event id: 7053,7042,7032, server crashes persistently
- Followed many technical documentation regarding IIS web services: C:\Program Files\Update Services\WebServices
--throwing error: ThrowException: actor = http://srvr.primary.local:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx, ID=8293cca5-87db-417f-af97-bc7431190a2d, ErrorCode=InternalServerError, Message=, Client=?
----all processes within \Update Services\WebServices is throwing the aforementioned error
- Has anyone experienced this issue with WSUS server 2019 standard in which WSUS server keeps crashing, WSUS GPO computers do not populate
- GP firewall settings are disabled so port filtering should not be an issue.
- \Update Services\Logfiles\SoftwareDistribution.log
--/ApiRemoting30/WebService.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue WsusPool
--/ClientWebService/client.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue WsusPool
/ClientWebService/client.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Dropped WsusPool
/reportingwebservice/reportingwebservice.asmx - - 401885685 Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue WsusPool
Any update would be appreciated