I have below query, which is giving error of Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Divide by zero error encountered.
I think due to null value ,it is generating error, please guide me how to resolve it
Second thing is that, it is taking much time in executing or retrieving data
;with cte1 as(
select S.Secnam ,
ISNULL(SUM(P.prdQTY),0)Smallbale_QTY1,ISNULL(SUM(case when P.prdQTY is null
then 0 else i.weight end ),0)Small_Bale_weight1
from ItemMasterFile I inner join Sections S on S.SecID=i.SecID
left outer join Probale P on P.Codeitem=I.CodeItem
LEFT OUTER JOIN Bigbalprd b1 ON i.CodeItem = b1.CodeItem
where (P.DelID is null and P.FID=1 and P.Entrydate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or P.EntryDate is null )
(b1.DelID is null and b1.FID=1 and b1.EntryDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or b1.EntryDate is Null )
group by s.Secnam
,cte2 as(
select S.Secnam ,
ISNULL(SUM(P.prdQTY),0)Smallbale_QTY2,ISNULL(SUM(case when P.prdQTY is null
then 0 else i.weight end ),0)Small_Bale_weight2
from ItemMasterFile I inner join Sections S on S.SecID=i.SecID
left outer join Probale P on P.Codeitem=I.CodeItem
LEFT OUTER JOIN Bigbalprd b1 ON i.CodeItem = b1.CodeItem
--where P.EntryDate='2021-10-26' and P.DelID is null and P.FID=1
where (P.DelID is null and P.FID=2 and P.Entrydate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or P.EntryDate is null )
(b1.DelID is null and b1.FID=2 and b1.EntryDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or b1.EntryDate is Null )
group by s.Secnam
), cte1w as (
SELECT secnam,Small_Bale_weight1, Bigbale_Weight1,
FROM (VALUES (Bigbale_Weight1),
(Small_Bale_weight1 )
)AS value(val)
) as Total_Weight
FROM cte1
), cte2w as (
SELECT secnam,Small_Bale_weight2, Bigbale_Weight2,
FROM (VALUES (Bigbale_Weight2),
(Small_Bale_weight2 )
)AS value(val)
) as Total_Weight2
FROM cte2
select isnull(cte1w.Secnam,cte2w.Secnam) Section,cte1w.Small_Bale_weight1 Small_Bale_weight ,cte2w.Small_Bale_weight2 Small_Bale_weight1,
cte1w.Bigbale_Weight1 Bigbale_weigh,cte2w.Bigbale_Weight2 Bigbale_weigh1,Total_Weight,Total_Weight2,
sum(Total_Weight+Total_Weight2) Packed,
cast((Small_Bale_weight1)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagesb1 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagesb2 ,
cast((Bigbale_Weight1)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagebb1 ,
cast((Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagebb2 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2+Total_Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as SBPerTotal ,
cast((Bigbale_Weight1+Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2+Total_Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as BBPerTotal ,
(isnull(Small_Bale_weight1,0)*100.0)/nullif(sum(Bigbale_Weight1+Small_Bale_weight1),0)as SBPer1 ,
(isnull(Small_Bale_weight2,0)*100.0)/nullif(sum(Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight2),0)as SBPer2,
(Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/nullif(sum(Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight1),0)as SBperT
,cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Bigbale_Weight1)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as Ragper1 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as Ragper2 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Bigbale_Weight1+Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight+Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as RagperTotal
from cte1w full join cte2w on cte1w.Secnam=cte2w.Secnam
group by cte1w.Secnam,cte2w.Secnam,cte1w.Small_Bale_weight1 ,cte2w.Small_Bale_weight2 ,
cte1w.Bigbale_Weight1 ,cte2w.Bigbale_Weight2 ,Total_Weight,Total_Weight2