Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Divide by zero error encountered.

Analyst_SQL 3,576 Reputation points

I have below query, which is giving error of Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Divide by zero error encountered.
I think due to null value ,it is generating error, please guide me how to resolve it

Second thing is that, it is taking much time in executing or retrieving data

;with cte1 as(

select  S.Secnam ,

ISNULL(SUM(P.prdQTY),0)Smallbale_QTY1,ISNULL(SUM(case when P.prdQTY is null
 then 0 else  i.weight end ),0)Small_Bale_weight1

from ItemMasterFile I  inner join Sections S on S.SecID=i.SecID
left outer join Probale P on P.Codeitem=I.CodeItem
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Bigbalprd b1 ON i.CodeItem = b1.CodeItem

where (P.DelID is null and P.FID=1 and P.Entrydate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or P.EntryDate is null ) 
  (b1.DelID is null and  b1.FID=1 and b1.EntryDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or b1.EntryDate is Null )

group by s.Secnam
,cte2 as(

select  S.Secnam ,
ISNULL(SUM(P.prdQTY),0)Smallbale_QTY2,ISNULL(SUM(case when P.prdQTY is null
 then 0 else  i.weight end ),0)Small_Bale_weight2

from ItemMasterFile I  inner join Sections S on S.SecID=i.SecID
left outer join Probale P on P.Codeitem=I.CodeItem
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Bigbalprd b1 ON i.CodeItem = b1.CodeItem
--where P.EntryDate='2021-10-26' and P.DelID is null and P.FID=1
where (P.DelID is null and P.FID=2 and P.Entrydate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or P.EntryDate is null ) 
  (b1.DelID is null and  b1.FID=2 and b1.EntryDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate or b1.EntryDate is Null )

group by s.Secnam   

),  cte1w as (
  SELECT secnam,Small_Bale_weight1, Bigbale_Weight1,

  ( SELECT SUM(val)
  FROM (VALUES (Bigbale_Weight1),
  (Small_Bale_weight1 )
  )AS value(val)
  ) as Total_Weight
  FROM cte1
  ),  cte2w as (
  SELECT secnam,Small_Bale_weight2, Bigbale_Weight2,

  ( SELECT SUM(val)
  FROM (VALUES (Bigbale_Weight2),
  (Small_Bale_weight2 )
  )AS value(val)
  ) as Total_Weight2
  FROM cte2

select isnull(cte1w.Secnam,cte2w.Secnam) Section,cte1w.Small_Bale_weight1 Small_Bale_weight ,cte2w.Small_Bale_weight2 Small_Bale_weight1,
cte1w.Bigbale_Weight1 Bigbale_weigh,cte2w.Bigbale_Weight2 Bigbale_weigh1,Total_Weight,Total_Weight2,
sum(Total_Weight+Total_Weight2) Packed,

cast((Small_Bale_weight1)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagesb1 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagesb2 ,
cast((Bigbale_Weight1)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagebb1 ,
cast((Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as percentagebb2 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2+Total_Weight)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as SBPerTotal ,
cast((Bigbale_Weight1+Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2+Total_Weight)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as BBPerTotal ,

(isnull(Small_Bale_weight1,0)*100.0)/nullif(sum(Bigbale_Weight1+Small_Bale_weight1),0)as SBPer1 ,
(isnull(Small_Bale_weight2,0)*100.0)/nullif(sum(Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight2),0)as SBPer2,
(Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/nullif(sum(Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight1),0)as SBperT
,cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Bigbale_Weight1)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as Ragper1 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as Ragper2 ,
cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Bigbale_Weight1+Small_Bale_weight2+Bigbale_Weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight+Total_Weight2)over(PARTITION  BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as RagperTotal 

from cte1w full join cte2w on cte1w.Secnam=cte2w.Secnam

group by cte1w.Secnam,cte2w.Secnam,cte1w.Small_Bale_weight1  ,cte2w.Small_Bale_weight2 ,
cte1w.Bigbale_Weight1 ,cte2w.Bigbale_Weight2 ,Total_Weight,Total_Weight2
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Accepted answer
  1. Naomi Nosonovsky 7,971 Reputation points

    You need to put NULLIF function to all expressions that use /, not into only some of them. You can see, for example:

    cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/(sum(Total_Weight2+Total_Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as SBPerTotal ,

    it should be changed to

    cast((Small_Bale_weight1+Small_Bale_weight2)*100.0/NULLIF(sum(Total_Weight2+Total_Weight),0) over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2))as SBPerTotal ,

    Also, it may help to move SUM(TotalWeight) OVER () -- no need to partition into a separate CROSS APPLY

    CROSS APPLY (select NULLIF(sum(TotalWeight),0) over() as AllTotalWeight, NULLIF(sum(TotalWeight2),0) over() as AllTotalWeight2) X and use these two expressions. Also, I haven't tested the exact syntax, it may be that you need to put NULLIF for the whole expression.

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2 additional answers

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  1. Bert Zhou-msft 3,431 Reputation points


    There are three ways to deal with this situation. The first is to use the NULLIF function. The second is to set ARITHABORT off.
    You can use this:


    The third is to use case when to avoid errors.According to your code, it may be The problem is that the sum of the Total_Weight+Total_Weight2 partition may be 0. You can try to modify it according to naomi's method. If an error occurs, please provide us with some test data, and we can help you calculate it.

    Best regards,
    Bert Zhou

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  2. Olaf Helper 45,366 Reputation points

    Divide by zero error encountered.

    A pretty clear error message, isn't it?

    I think due to null value

    No, not by NULL but by 0 = zero, as the error message say.

    please guide me how to resolve it

    Use a CASE condition to avoid divison by zero, like

    ... case when divider = 0 then null else value / divider end as Result
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