Hello @Robson Soares ,
Here is the detailed response provided by the internal team:
I ran the scenario and some things came up.
- The guide that you are usin`g is starter code is dated. It relies on Spark 2.4, it’s not targeted to Synapse; so some instructions are misleading.
- It states the you should use kafkashaded.org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule
instead of
org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule, in the
sasl_jaas_configvariable, claiming it’s a Databricks only library. That is incorrect, this class is part of the
karfka-clients-` we ship in Synapse Spark 3.1 runtime. Here is the class reference. - Also some options in the readStream command are dated and should be as follows:
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN")
.option("kafka.security.protocol", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", sasl_jaas_config)
Could you please try the above and do let us know the status.
Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.
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