Hi James, thank you for your comment and your mail.
In answer to your question, I am not following anyone document as I can't find a single document that solves the issue. I have read hundreds of documents and watched many videos. Nothing I have been able to find address retrieving an Azure Secret from a non-Azure hosted environment.
What I have been able to achieve is as follows:
- Set up the Azure account
- Create a Resource Group
- Create a Vault
- Create a Secret
- Go into Active Directory / App Services and create an App
- Go back to the Vault, create Access Policy with the App as the Selected principle, applying Get and List permissions.
In Visual Studio 2022 I am using dotnet6.
All the documentation I have followed only takes me so far because it either assumes the web app is hosted in Azure or that I am using an older version of VS that uses the program.cs and startup.cs. In all the examples I see, the program.cs is structured totally different to the version i am working with.
Now here's the thing though, take for example, I am using an Azure Vault Secret to store an SQL Connection String, If I comment out the connection string in appsettings.json, with the very simple code above I am able to access the Azure Key Vault, the database launches and the site works in a LocalHost environment. As you will see above, I have only declared the URI and Application ID; This is giving me access to the secret.
I have not declared the TenantID, or the SecretID, only the vault URI and the ApplicationId. I have considered that it would be worth trying to declare these properties but do not understand how:
My code so far is:
new Uri($"https://"MYVAULTNAME".vault.azure.net/"),
new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions
ManagedIdentityClientId = builder.Configuration["MYCLIENTID"],
Having searched around I cannot find anyway to insert the TenantID, or the SecretID, the closest I have been able to find is: InteractiveBrowserTenantId by adding the following line below ManagedIdentityClientId
InteractiveBrowserTenantId = builder.Configuration["MYTENNANTID"],
ClientID and SecretID are not DefaultAzureCredentialOptions as I look at the DefaultAzureCredentialOptions there is nothing that makes me think I can inject the required variables in this object.
I have of course declared them in appsettings.json but how to use them inside the program.cs is an issue I have not been able to overcome, as of yet.
When I look at examples from previous versions of dotnet they were declaring these inside a public class inside the program.cs in ways such as follows:
namespace ?????????
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IhostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args)=>
.ConfigureAppConfiguration ((context, config) =>
var builtConfiguration = config.Build();
string kvURL = builtConfiguration["keyVaultConfig:KVUrl"];
string tenantId = builtConfiguration["keyVaultConfig:TenantId"];
string clientId = builtConfiguration["keyVaultConfig:ClientId"];
string clientSecret = builtConfiguration["keyVaultConfig:ClientSecretId"];
var credential = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientid, clientSecret);
var client = new SecretClient(new Uri(kvURL), credential);
config.AddAzureKeyVault(client, new AzureKeyVaultConfiguratioinOptions());
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults( webBuilder =>
Well my Program.cs doesn't look anything like this program.cs, I don't have a namespace, i don't have public classes, I can see the variables are being passed in this method, whether it works I don't know but applying the same logic in todays version of program.cs seems to be the most logical thing to try, but if i try to declare variables inside the code I have I get red squiggly lines and the message is the for example is:
"DefaultAzureCredentialOptions does not contain a definition for clientid"
So back to the issue I have.
I can access the vault key from my LocalHost environment, I assume this is using the credentials of either the logon pc, the logged-in VS Studio or the logged in Azure Portal.
But there lies another quandary, the pc and VS Studio have a different logon emails to Azure Portal.
I am not providing any Azure login credentials when I run it in the localhost environment, why it's working is also a bit of a puzzle, one I can live without solving....
The issue is that once I publish the web app to its hosting with the secret in the Azure Vault, it falls over.
When I look at the logs, they steer me towards thinking I am either not passing the credentials required to authorise OR the application is not authorised to access the secret. But as I say, I have added an access policy.
Any help you can give me to solve this issue is greatly appreciated.