Hi, my apologies for not being clear. Yes, you're correct, the code for things would look something like this;
g = Graphics.FromImage(Back_Bitmap)
For loop1 as Int16 = 0 to Num_Wide
For loop2 as Int16 = 0 to Num_Across
If Rand.Next(0,4) = 3 Then g.DrawImage(Wall_Bitmap, loop1 * Wall_Bitmap.Width, loop2 * Wall_Bitmap, r, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
' Save image in g as 'Background' <= This is the bit I have a problem with
Do Until End_of_Game
g = Graphics.FromImage(Background)
g.DrawImage(Player_Bitmap, Player.X_Pos, Player.Y_Pos, r, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
g.DrawImage(Enemy_Bitmap, Enemy.X_Pos, Enemy.Y_Pos, r, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
I have all the basic 'mechanics' (how things move, start and end conditions, etc.) worked out, but it's (only :) !) the graphics I'm having trouble with. If I can separate the 'fixed' parts of the maze from the moving things, it will (obviously) be a lot more efficient.
Thank you for your interest