RestSharp POST request keep staying in WaitingForActivation
Максим Егоров
Reputation point
Here's my code which make an POST request
public static void PostInformation()
HttpRequests httpRequests = new(_apiUrl);
Dictionary<string, string> @params = new() { };
Dictionary<string, string> headers = new() { };
var httpRequest = async () =>
await httpRequests.SendRequest(@params, headers, RestSharp.Method.Post);
var request = httpRequest();
private static RestClient? _client;
private static RestRequest? _request;
public HttpRequests(string url)
_client = new RestClient(url);
_request = new RestRequest();
public async Task SendRequest(Dictionary<string, string> @params,
Dictionary<string, string> headers, Method method)
{ await _client?.ExecuteAsync(_request, method); }
catch (Exception exception)
{ Console.WriteLine(exception.ToString()); }
{ _client?.Dispose(); }
return null;
And after running this code, the request status stops at WaitinigForActivation, so my question is, could this be because of the wrong JSON sent from the Dictionary named @params, or is there some other issue?
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