Hybrid setup. EX 2013 CU 23 with all updates. One single server, no DAG etc. All is migrated to O365.
A few random mailboxes list as User mailbox in EX while correctly list as Shared mailbox in EXO. Or the other way around!
We have Azure AD Connect which was upgraded from previous versions except which was never installed.
I have manually updated the AD object's msExchRecipientDisplayType, msExchRecipientTypeDetails, msExchRemoteRecipientType and userAccountControl, and thus resolved this however would really like to know if anyone has any ideas why this would happen in the first place.
example of code used to set mailbox to be of type remote shared mailbox
Set-ADUser -Identity ((Get-Recipient <mailbox>).samaccountname) -Replace @{msExchRemoteRecipientType=100;msExchRecipientTypeDetails=34359738368;userAccountControl=66050}
example of code used to set mailbox to be of type remote user mailbox
Set-ADUser -Identity ((Get-Recipient <mailbox>).samaccountname) -Replace @{msExchModerationFlags=6;msExchProvisioningFlags=0;msExchRecipientDisplayType=-2147483642;msExchRecipientTypeDetails=2147483648;msExchRemoteRecipientType=1;msExchTransportRecipientSettingsFlags=0;msExchUserAccountControl=0;userAccountControl=66048}
Although this resolves the issue I do not understand why an mailbox suddenly would list in EX on-premises as User while it list correctly as Shared in Exchange Online (or vice versa).