Export all SPO user profile data where any properties blank or NULL

Raju Ram Bagra 41 Reputation points

Below code working fine Export all SPO user profile data
However i need only data where any user profile properties blank or NULL

Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll"

Function Export-SPOUserProfileProperties()


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $SiteURL,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $CSVPath


Try {

    #Setup Credentials to connect
    $Cred= Get-Credential
    $Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Cred.Username, $Cred.Password)

    #Setup the context
    $Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL)
    $Ctx.Credentials = $Credentials

    #Delete the CSV report file if exists
    if (Test-Path $CSVPath) { Remove-Item $CSVPath }

    #Get all Users
    $Users = $Ctx.Web.SiteUsers

           Write-host "Total Number of Profiles Found:"$Users.count -f Yellow

    #Get User Profile Manager
    $PeopleManager = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.PeopleManager($Ctx)
    #Array to hold result
    $UserProfileData = @()
    Foreach ($User in $Users)


    $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30).Date

Get-ADUser -Filter { WhenCreated -ge $date } -Properties WhenCreated,Department,CompanyName,GivenName,SurName,Countrz

 #Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $TRUE} -SearchBase $OU -Properties Name,SamAccountName,Createdate | Where {($_.LastLogonDate -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)) -and ($_.LastLogonDate -ne $NULL)} | Sort | Select Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate

        Write-host "Processing User Name:"$User.LoginName

        #Get the User Profile

        $UserProfile = $PeopleManager.GetPropertiesFor($User.LoginName)



        if($UserProfile.Email -ne $Null)


        #Send Data to object array

        $UserProfileData += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        'User Account' = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["UserName"]
        'Full Name' = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["PreferredName"]
        'Test-Department' = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["Test-Department"]
        'E-mail' =  $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["WorkEmail"]
        'Test-Country' = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["test--Country"]
        'Test-Company' = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["test--Company"]
        'Test-EmployeeName' = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["test-EmployeeName"]         




    #Export the data to CSV
    $UserProfileData | Export-Csv $CSVPath -Append -NoTypeInformation
    write-host -f Green "User Profiles Data Exported Successfully to:" $CSVPath

Catch {
    write-host -f Red "Error Exporting User Profile Properties!" $_.Exception.Message


Call the function

Export-SPOUserProfileProperties -SiteURL $SiteURL -CSVPath $CSVPath

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Accepted answer
  1. Tong Zhang_MSFT 9,116 Reputation points

    Hi @Raju Ram Bagra ,

    Based on my research and testing, you can try adding a filter before exporting the csv file (as below):

    $UserProfileData |Where-Object E-mail -eq ''|Export-Csv $CSVPath -Append -NoTypeInformation   

    It will export all SharePoint Online user profile data where the properties Null.

    Full Script:

    Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"  
    Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"  
    Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll"  
    Function Export-SPOUserProfileProperties()  
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $SiteURL,  
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $CSVPath  
     Try {  
         #Setup Credentials to connect  
         $Cred= Get-Credential  
         $Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Cred.Username, $Cred.Password)  
         #Setup the context  
         $Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL)  
         $Ctx.Credentials = $Credentials  
         #Delete the CSV report file if exists  
         if (Test-Path $CSVPath) { Remove-Item $CSVPath }  
         #Get all Users  
         $Users = $Ctx.Web.SiteUsers  
                Write-host "Total Number of Profiles Found:"$Users.count -f Yellow  
         #Get User Profile Manager  
         $PeopleManager = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.PeopleManager($Ctx)  
         #Array to hold result  
         $UserProfileData = @()  
         Foreach ($User in $Users)  
         $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30).Date  
    #Get-ADUser -Filter { WhenCreated -ge $date } -Properties WhenCreated,Department,CompanyName,GivenName,SurName,Countrz  
      #Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $TRUE} -SearchBase $OU -Properties Name,SamAccountName,Createdate | Where {($_.LastLogonDate -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)) -and ($_.LastLogonDate -ne $NULL)} | Sort | Select Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate  
             Write-host "Processing User Name:"$User.LoginName  
             #Get the User Profile  
             $UserProfile = $PeopleManager.GetPropertiesFor($User.LoginName)   
             if($UserProfile.UserProfileProperties -ne $Null)  
                 #Send Data to object array  
                 $UserProfileData += New-Object PSObject -Property @{  
                 'User Account' = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["UserName"]  
                  'E-mail' =  $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties["WorkEmail"]  
         #Export the data to CSV $UserProfileData   
         $UserProfileData |Where-Object E-mail -eq ''|Export-Csv $CSVPath -Append -NoTypeInformation   
         write-host -f Green "User Profiles Data Exported Successfully to:" $CSVPath}  
     Catch {  
         write-host -f Red "Error Exporting User Profile Properties!" $_.Exception.Message  
    #Call the function  
    Export-SPOUserProfileProperties -SiteURL $SiteURL -CSVPath $CSVPath  

    My test result:

    If the answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly upvote it. If you have extra questions about this answer, please click "Comment".
    Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.

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4 additional answers

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  1. Raju Ram Bagra 41 Reputation points

    Hi @Tong Zhang_MSFT

    Thanks for the support, it's working fine.

    I am asking next level query for same script as in below code i am going to Sync. SPO user profile 4 fields( only Blank/NULL )with AAD for only one user.

    How i can use this result sheet and sync. all fields with AAD (only Blank/NULL)

    Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll"

    Function Sync-UserProfileProperty()
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $AdminSiteUrl,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $UserPrincipalName
    #Get Credentials to connect
    $Cred = Get-Credential
    Try {
    #Connect to AzureAD
    Connect-AzureAD -Credential $Cred | Out-Null
    #Get the User Property from AzureAD
    $user = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$UserPrincipalName'" | Select Department,CompanyName,GivenName,SurName,Country

            #To get extended property value, use: $AzureADUser.ExtensionProperty.Item($ADPropertyName)  
            #Setup the context  
            $Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($AdminSiteUrl)  
            $Ctx.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Cred.Username, $Cred.Password)  
            #Get User Profile Manager  
            $PeopleManager = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.PeopleManager($Ctx)  
            #Sync User Profile Property from AD  
            $UserAccount = "i:0#.f|membership|$UserPrincipalName"  
            $PeopleManager.SetSingleValueProfileProperty($UserAccount, $SPOPropertyName, $ADUserPropertyValue)  
            $PeopleManager.SetSingleValueProfileProperty($UserAccount, "test-EmployeeName", $user.GivenName + " " + $user.Surname) ;  
            $PeopleManager.SetSingleValueProfileProperty($UserAccount, "test-Company", $user.CompanyName) ;  
            $PeopleManager.SetSingleValueProfileProperty($UserAccount, "test-Department", $user.Department) ;  
            $PeopleManager.SetSingleValueProfileProperty($UserAccount, "test-Country", $user.Country) ;  
            Write-host "User Profile Property has been Synched for: $UserPrincipalName" -f Green  
            write-host -f Red "Error Synching User Profile Property!" $_.Exception.Message  

    $Counter = 1
    ForEach($User in $AllUsers)
    Write-host "`Updating User Profile Property for: $($User.UserPrincipalName)" -f Yellow

        #Get the User Property value from Azure AD         
        $ADUserPropertyValue = $User | Select -ExpandProperty $ADPropertyName  
        #Check if the AD Property is not Null  
        If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ADUserPropertyValue)))  
            #Get existing User Profile Property from SharePoint  
            $UserAccount = "i:0#.f|membership|$($User.UserPrincipalName)"  
            $UserProfile = Get-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $UserAccount  
            $UserProfileProperty = $UserProfile.UserProfileProperties[$SPOPropertyName]  
            #Check if the Existing SharePoint User Profile Property is Null  
            If (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserProfileProperty)))  
                Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $UserAccount -PropertyName $SPOPropertyName -Value $ADUserPropertyValue  
                Write-host "`Updated User Profile Property for: $($User.UserPrincipalName)" -f Green  
                Write-host "`Existing Value of the Property in SharePoint is Not Null! Skipping..." -f Yellow  
            Write-host "`AD Value of the Property is Null! Skipping..." -f Yellow  
        Write-Progress -Activity "Updating User Profile Data..." -Status "Updating User Profile $Counter of $($AllUsers.Count)" -PercentComplete (($Counter / $AllUsers.Count)  * 100)  

    Catch {
    write-host -f Red "Error Updating User Profile Property!" $_.Exception.Message

    Config parameters

    $AdminSiteUrl = "https://test-admin.sharepoint.com"
    $UserPrincipalName = "test@test .com"

    Call the function to sync a Property from Azure AD to SharePoint Online

    Sync-UserProfileProperty -AdminSiteUrl $AdminSiteURL -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName

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  2. Raju Ram Bagra 41 Reputation points


    Now this code getting this error

  3. Raju Ram Bagra 41 Reputation points

    Yes, Tested multi time with different system and user name and password correct
    Is that issue with MFA connection ? successfully get 1 user data then always getting issue

  4. Raju Ram Bagra 41 Reputation points

    Passwords always correct but getting issue

    $UserProfileData |Where-Object E-mail -eq ''|Export-Csv $CSVPath -Append -NoTypeInformation
    cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
    Supply values for the following parameters:

    Error Exporting User Profile Properties! Exception calling "ExecuteQuery" with "0" argument(s): "The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system."

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