Yes, SharePoint Workflow Manager was cancelled before it reached RTM status. See
What happened to SharePoint Workflow Manager? Was it cancelled?
In this post from July 2018, Mike Lee from Microsoft mentions a new component called SharePoint Workflow Manager (SPWFM) to replace the existing Workflow Manager. But it seems the product was cancelled or retracted before it was ever published?
In October the same year, Trevor Seward concluded that "there is no new version of WFM" and directed people to the existing Workflow Manager and Client tools.
What happened? Was all workflow love directed to the Data Management Gateway to get people to use M365 Flow with on-prem data?
1 additional answer
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Debra Dorn 21 Reputation points
This was released on December 26, 2022. We had a situation where a security finding on the version of the service fabric had to replace it from v5 to v9+ and this would not work in the previous WFM installation. MS released the above now called SharePoint Workflow Manager and now works with an upgrade of the Service Fabric to the latest version.