Using KQL to find duplicate VM names in Azure

Darrin Miskiewicz 1 Reputation point

I have a need to use a KQL query to find duplicate Azure VM names. My query is below and I am struggling to find a way to return only the duplicate values with the associated RG and Sub name. Is this possible in KQL?

| where type == "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines" 
| join kind=inner (
    | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
    | project SubName=name, subscriptionId)
on subscriptionId    
| project name, resourceGroup, subscriptionId, SubName
| summarize by name,SubName,resourceGroup
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Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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  1. Rahul Gosavi 86 Reputation points

    You can re-write you query in below manner:

    | where type == "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
    | join kind=inner (
    | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
    | project SubName=name, subscriptionId)
    on subscriptionId
    | project name, resourceGroup, subscriptionId, SubName
    | summarize count() by name,SubName,resourceGroup
    | where count_>1

    this will give you Name, SubName,resourceGroup of duplicate VMs.

    If it worked for you, just Accept this as an answer.

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