@Shreelakshmi C R As per this troubleshooting document here, please follow the below steps when the stream analytics job doesn't produce output:
- Verify connectivity to outputs by using the Test Connection button for each output.
- Look at Monitoring metrics on the Monitor tab. Because the values are aggregated, the metrics are delayed by a few minutes.
- If the Input Events value is greater than zero, the job can read the input data. If the Input Events value isn't greater than zero, there's an issue with the job's input. See Troubleshoot input connections for more information. If your job has reference data input, apply splitting by logical name when looking at Input Events metric. If there are no input events from your reference data alone, then it likely means that this input source has not be configured properly to fetch the right reference dataset.
- If the Data Conversion Errors value is greater than zero and climbing, see Azure Stream Analytics data errors for detailed information about data conversion errors.
- If the Runtime Errors value is greater than zero, your job receives data but generates errors while processing the query. To find the errors, go to the audit logs, and then filter on the Failed status.
- If the Input Events value is greater than zero and the Output Events value equals zero, one of the following statements is true:
o The query processing resulted in zero output events.
o Events or fields might be malformed, resulting in a zero output after the query processing.
o The job was unable to push data to the output sink for connectivity or authentication reasons.
Operations log messages explain additional details, including what's happening, except in cases where the query logic filters out all events. If the processing of multiple events generates errors, the errors aggregate every 10 minutes.
Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions and we will be glad to assist you further. Thank you!
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