High level question about Sample application for UVC extension units

Adam Braunton 1 Reputation point

Long time Java & Linux developer here, having been saddled with a task on Windows & C++ that I'm struggling to get to grips with, help humbly appreciated!

I have been provided a piece of USB hardware (HD Camera) which has already had firmware applied to it that contains a small number of Extension Unit Controls. I have an XU Descriptor, guidExtensionCode, bUnitID etc. I have read and re-read the documentation at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/stream/sample-application-for-uvc-extension-units. I am currently not able to communicate successfully with the XU.

My question is; how much of the Sample Application is actually relevant in my case? Just the "Sample application for UVC extension units"? Because other solutions online, e.g. https://community.infineon.com/t5/USB-superspeed-peripherals/UVC-Extension-unit/m-p/42606, do not include the interface, registry unit or DLL. I'd really like to know how much of the Microsoft example is relevant in order to create a simple executable which can toggle XU controls.

Thanks for any pointers

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