I have a transactional replication and I wanted to use a custom MCALL type of update on a table.
I called the stored procedure sp_scriptdynamicupdproc with argument artid and I got the custom script.
Custom script started with declaration of all arguments:
create procedure [__dbo_tablename_upd]
@c1 varchar(50),@c2 int,@c3 varchar(10),@c4 datetime,@c5 varchar(100),
@c6 varchar(500),@c7 varchar(500),@c8 datetime,@c9 varchar(100),
@c10 varchar(500),@c11 varchar(500),@c12 bit,@Curtis Asare datetime,
@c14 bit,@c15 bit, @c16 varchar(50), @c17 smallint,@c18 int,
@c19 varchar(400),@c20 datetime,@c21 bit,
@pkc1 bigint
,@bitmap binary(3)
as ...
after that, in each line it's using a bitmask to check if value was passed and adds a code snippet for each column:
if substring(@bitmap,2,1) & 64 = 64
select @stmt = @stmt + @spacervar + N'[IsIndividualFileDownloadRequired]' + N'=@15'
select @spacervar = N','
if substring(@bitmap,2,1) & 128 = 128
select @stmt = @stmt + @spacervar + N'[StatementType]' + N'=@16'
select @spacervar = N','
if substring(@bitmap,3,1) & 1 = 1
select @stmt = @stmt + @spacervar + N'[DocumentTypeID]' + N'=@17'
select @spacervar = N','
So variable @16 in my case is 16th column called StatementType, and then in the bottom in the where clause it's
(wrongly) using this same variable as primary key for update
if substring(@bitmap,3,1) & 16 = 16
select @stmt = @stmt + @spacervar + N'[IsValid]' + N'=@21'
select @spacervar = N','
select @stmt = @stmt + N'
where [AccessionNumberBI] = @16
and in the part used for sp_executesql the declaration is duplicated:
exec sp_executesql @stmt, N'
,@13 datetime
,@14 bit
,@15 bit
,@16 bigint
,@16 varchar(50)
,@17 smallint
,@18 int
and below, in the place where actual parameters are passed I have:
,@Curtis Asare
The custom script has a wrongly populated argument. How is this even possible?