@Manish Mudgal You can lookup the list of voices available in a region by looking up the voice list API.
In this case a quick lookup of westeurope confirms the voice is available in this region.
"Name": "Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (ro-RO, EmilNeural)",
"DisplayName": "Emil",
"LocalName": "Emil",
"ShortName": "ro-RO-EmilNeural",
"Gender": "Male",
"Locale": "ro-RO",
"LocaleName": "Romanian (Romania)",
"SampleRateHertz": "24000",
"VoiceType": "Neural",
"Status": "GA"
A GET request to the region of your choice should provide the complete list.
Use the header key Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
& the key value as your speech resource subscription key.
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