Hi @Abhijit Ghosh ,
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A platform and thanks for posting your query.
As I understand your requirement, you are trying to send out an email after the copy activity execution , for that you are using Logic apps. However , it's only sending out the partial data . Please let me know if my understanding is incorrect.
You have provided
in the body of the webActivity. Kindly change it tonumber_of_rows_read
as logic app is unable to find value for @{triggerBody()?['number_of_rows_read']} as 'number_of_rows_read' property won't be available .
I tried to reproduce your scenario and am sharing my findings here:
When I provided the body as the following: ]2
RowsCopied details came as empty :
Here , if you observe there is an extra colon, which is a typo that is the cause of the issue.
When I change it to following:
I got the mail with proper data :
Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.
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