The email service program whois can be launched with or without my email adresses?
In addition to my github account i have github pages in a settings branch. My entries are html and markdown files.
With the stackoverflow link followed in this post
Send eml files saved on disk
and with my surrounding and manageable visual basic dot net code examples
i try to read xml contributions to the internet like from the above mentioned post link
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<to display="Thomas Edison" address="" />
Hi Thomas,
How are you doing?
<attachment name="MaryLamb.wav">
I find no documentation with the program whois. My email host program is thunderbird. With my line
to the email program i recive to many junk mail. As i am aware of my possibilities maybe whois is used to
get only email post from saved adresses to the program. Therefore i did not launch the exe files because
i have no idea what has to be done. Even if i launch it what never happend where do i have to search
in my thunderbird environment?