I'm building a report using visual studio 2019.
In the report I have a tablix and the some of the boxes are text boxes with a condition statement to control the fill color.
I used the Expression builder to create the expression, and under the "Constants" Category I clicked on the value for "No Color" This inserted the text "Transparent" into my expression.
However when I go to preview the report I get a series of warnings.
[rsInvalidColor] The value of the BackgroundColor property for the text box 'R_Name' is "No Color", which is not a valid BackgroundColor.
[rsInvalidColor] The value of the BackgroundColor property for the text box 'R_System_Type_Name' is "Transparent", which is not a valid BackgroundColor.
[rsInvalidColor] The value of the BackgroundColor property for the text box 'G_System_Type_Name' is "Transparent", which is not a valid BackgroundColor.
Since the value was generated by the application I thought this was odd. But with a little of searching I found that replacing the word "Transparent" with the value of Nothing should clear this error.
So I changed the expression for that report to use Nothing. Oddly the warnings about "Transparent" being invalid remained. I tried rebuilding the project, I tried the Clean Solution option and even closed and re-opened the report. Nothing seemed to clear the warnings.
Ultimately I was able to make the warnings go away by closing and re-opening Visual Studio. I didn't think that the program design would have closing and re-opening it be the preferred way to clear warnings. But my searching did not yield any answers other than what I'd tried.
So how do I clear the warnings?