Separate RDS' remote sessions from console's

I've been searching for this for a while now, the closest answer (here) was:, however, it's not really answered and it's not exactly my case.
I have and RDS deployment (properly licensed, user-based) that does not allow remote users to initiate multiple sessions but rather pick up the previous one on new connections. I'd like for that to continue as is, however if possible I'd like to make an exception for console sessions; i.e; let the user have the capacity of multiple simultaneous sessions as long as they are different kinds of sessions.
This is already happening, but the catch is that it's only between RemoteApps and Remote Sessions; console sessions will disconnect Remote Sessions and vice versa.
Is this something that can be done?
Some of the accounts involved are Domain/Enterprise Admin-level accounts, some are regular accounts. Unfortunately -- because of the conditions that sparked all of this -- their privileges must remain as they are.