@romungi-MSFT (and all)
I think I've figured out the issue with the Project getting deleted.
When Creating a Project in FRS (Form Recognizer Studio):
- Give the Project a Name and Description
- Access by -- either Resource or API Endpoint and Key (here is where the problem is)
- If User clicks API Endpoint and Key radio button
The following agreement/wording is part of this form:
*"***I understand that these settings are valid only for this session and all usage will be charged to the Azure account containing this resource. Learn how to retrieve them*"***
You have to agree to this to move to the next step.
Since you are in the middle of creating a project, the developer may not realize that they just agreed to delete my FRS project once the FRS Session ends. This is not clear -- there are many places in Azure where services are used by other services via the API Endpoint and Key. I figured this was just another example of such a place.
It turns out this is incorrect and, in this case, shouldn't even be a choice. What Microsoft is basically saying is that by using API Endpoint and Key, this is nothing more than a sandbox and nothing gets saved. And, that's fine --- but please don't make it part of creating a project that a developer might think will remain.
I created the Cognitive Service in my Azure Portal and figured that I could use the API Endpoint/Key from FRS. It appears that answer is -- yes and no. Yes you can use it. No -- nothing gets saved.
If this is indeed the case then API Endpoint/Key should not be part of "Create a Project" because there will be no Project after the Session ends.
Please make this much clearer to the developer -- i.e. "If you use an API Endpoint and Key then your work in FRS will NOT be saved as a project AFTER your Web Session Ends!!!"
In this case, it appears that Microsoft is conflating Project and Session. As a developer, I see these as 2 distinct things and thus did not realize that my Project would get deleted.
Below are the screenshots for reference: