You can change all colors with OD Menus, like Creating Owner-Drawn Menu Items
Menu Colors
Orlando Gondar
Reputation points
Hello there, I have this code that works good changing the background color of a menu.
The question is: How can I change the TEXT of the Menu? ( If possible ) Thanks.
Current Code:
// Create a Brush for the Menu
LOGBRUSH lbr; lbr.lbHatch = 0; lbr.lbStyle = 0; lbr.lbColor = RGB(164,164,164);
GBRUSH = CreateBrushIndirect(&lbr);
// Apply Brush to the Menu
MENUINFO mi = { 0 }; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); mi.fMask = MIM_BACKGROUND | MIM_APPLYTOSUBMENUS; mi.hbrBack = GBRUSH;
HMENU hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd); SetMenuInfo(hMenu, &mi);