If the logs are set to "Overwrite events as needed" then they will never be "full". Once the log reaches the maximum log size, older events will just be overwritten.
My Win10 Log files show as at the maximum size but also report as not full
Timothy Canning
Reputation point
I am looking at the characteristics of my Wn10 log files in the C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs directory. I'm finding the properties using PowerShell
get-WinEvent -ListLog * |Where-Object -Property IsEnabled -eq 'True' | format-table -Property LogName, FileSize, MaximumSizeInBytes, IsLogFull, IsEnabled, RecordCount
However the FileSize and MaximumSizeInBytes for most logs are being returned as the same, but the log is not reported as full?
I'm not understanding these metrics clearly, any help would be appreciated to clarify.