don't confuse Maui with Blazor. A Maui application can host a Blazor WebView Control, but Blazor is a web technology,
Maui Blazor support consists of:
A webview control. This displays the Blazor generated html and hosts the javascript used to render the Blazor component tree and generate events sent to the Blazor engine
A Blazor engine (basically the WASM code in Blazor app), The Blazor engine builds the Blazor component tree and sends a copy to the javascript engine to render via virtual dom technology.
The Blazor design is very similar to the react flow pattern. State is external to the component tree, and is passed as props (state properties in Blazor) to the components. Event callbacks can update the components state properties and call update state to cause a re-render (It is really one-way binding as calling change state will pass the binding values to the external state, and cause a rebuild of the component tree).