Currently, your ask is not possible. You can raise a feature request in feedback.azure.com.
A workaround would be having a PowerShell script which does the following:
- When you launch the script, it gets your current public IPv4 by accessing an open source API like what's my IP.
- Capture that IP and add a firewall rule to the SQL
Here is the PowerShell snippet:
Get-NetIPAddress | Select-Object IPAddress.
$myIP = Invoke-WebRequest -uri "https://api.ipify.org/"
New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -ServerName "Server01" -FirewallRuleName "Rule01" -StartIpAddress $mycurrentIpv4 -EndIpAddress $mycurrentIpv4
It can be implemented easily and the user just need to execute this script before accessing the SSMS.
Karthik Srinivas