Although the old connection string works for pipelines, I changed some of the parameters & their order and it works for Data flows now too:
User ID=
ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly;Persist Security Info=True
moved to the end;
Dynamic dataset not working in Data flows but does work in Pipeline - Help!
I have an Azure Data Factory Pipeline that uses Connection services with parameterizable properties that passes the table schema name for an Azure SQL DB.
It has a Managed Virtual Network Integration runtime with Interactive authoring disabled.
And it works... But...
It does not seem to work with Mapping Data flows
I believe the connection string uses SQL Authentication.
IP Whitelisting is used necessitating the Managed Virtual Network.
Is there a workaround or configuration where this would work?
I'm experimenting now, but welcome some insight on things that simply aren't supported or workarounds that make things work.
I should also say that its also using Azure Key Vault as well. The Secret name is dynamic.
This is the error message I get when I test the connection:
Spark job failed: { "text/plain": "{\"runId\":\"[SomeGUID]\",\"sessionId\":\"[SomeGUID]\",\"status\":\"Failed\",\"payload\":{\"statusCode\":400,\"shortMessage\":\" Only one valid authentication should be used for [Some Name]. SQLAuthentication is invalid. One of user/password is missing.\",\"detailedMessage\":\"Failure 2022-07-06 18:55:43.499 failed DebugManager.processJob, run=[SomeGUID], Only one valid authentication should be used for [Some Name]. SQLAuthentication is invalid. One of user/password is missing.\"}}\n" } - RunId:[Some GUID]
1 answer
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Scott Stauffer 11 Reputation points