findMeetingTimes returns LocationsUnavailable even if they are available
Hi, I'm trying to query available slots for a week from Outlook Calendar using MSGraph findMeetingTimes endpoint, but there is some problem when using rooms functionality with it. I'm sending this body:
"attendees": [{
"type": "required",
"emailAddress": {
"address": "******"
"timeConstraint": {
"activityDomain": "work",
"timeSlots": [{
"start": {
"dateTime": "2022-07-04 00:00:00",
"timeZone": "Central European Standard Time"
"end": {
"dateTime": "2022-07-10 23:59:59",
"timeZone": "Central European Standard Time"
"isOrganizerOptional": "true",
"meetingDuration": "PT105M",
"maxCandidates": 1000,
"locationConstraint": {
"isRequired": "true",
"suggestLocation": "false",
"locations": [{
"resolveAvailability": "true",
"locationEmailAddress": "******",
"displayName": "Room 0"
}, {
"resolveAvailability": "true",
"locationEmailAddress": "******",
"displayName": "Room 1"
}, {
"resolveAvailability": "true",
"locationEmailAddress": "******",
"displayName": "Room 2"
But I get "LocationsUnavailable" error even when I can actually create the event via Outlook Calendar for that user and room. In Outlook Calendar it works perfectly fine, all rooms are available and there are free slots, but findMeetingTimes just sending "LocationsUnavailable" for that slots somehow. Is there some options configuration for MSGraph that I must to keep in mind when creating room resource? What can be a problem aside from booked rooms (those rooms have free slots actually and attendees also have a free slot at that time)? Or is it a bug? Will it be fixed in near future?