Trying to add signature detection to our Microsoft Computer Vision Forms, and whenever I try to query a model that has a signature field I'm getting an InternalServerError.
HTTP Methods:
var postDocuri = $"{endpoint}/documentModels/{modelName}:analyze?api-version=2022-08-31&";
var getStatusUri = $"{endpoint}/documentModels/{modelName}/analyzeResults/{requestId}?api-version=2022-08-31";
"status" :"failed",
"createdDateTime" :"2022-09-03T00:40:06Z",
"code" :"InternalServerError",
"message":"An unexpected error occurred.",
"details":[ {
"code" :"InternalServerError",
"message":"An unexpected error occurred."
} ]
Everything is working great and processing my models just fine so long as I don't include any signature fields on any of my forms, but the minute I add a signature field that model stops working.
I see an error guide at the website below - but this is assuming I'm getting any sort of an error code in the response. The GET to return the process results returns an HTTP status code success 200 - OK, but the Json body payload doesn't really reflect that truth.
Does anybody have any advice on how I can begin to troubleshoot this error? Another log somewhere? Somewhere in the Azure blob storage that holds the training data?
Both the HTTP API and also the online Form Recognizer Studio test page fail with the same error when processing pages - InternalServerError - An Unexpected Error Has Occurred.