Frame Background color not set with using Binding
Hi i am facing issue not able to set frame background color inside collectionview using binding and assign color to backend viewmodel based on condition. /// <summary> /// BackGroundColor ///…
Editor does not respond to home or end on keyboard
Maui Editor control does not handle Home or End. In fact if you click either twice the app dies. Is MS sure that Maui is ready for GA , I have never seen a release with so many problems. And just updated the 17.3.2
Update to VS 2022 does not do what release notes say
So the toolbox in VS is basically useless now. Oh good 17.3.2 release notes say Issues Addressed in this release of 17.3.2 Fixes the Toolbox Nope not fixed. Still useless
Toolbox for Maui is empty
Add new Maui project. Toolbox is empty. Attempt to load is a complete failure as this menu item does not bring any Maui controls in the add dialog. Somehow production ready is not applicable to Maui at least in terms of VS 2022.
Setting a FontFamily Consolas to Editor and Entry controls
Hello All In my Maui application I want to add FontFamily Consolas . I tried the Editor FontFamily property for this but it does not work. please can someone guide me how to do it. Thank you very much.
MAUI .NET Titlebar color Android
Hello everyone, is it possible to change the color of the text of the status banner that displays the times on Android? I use Microsoft. Net MAUI. Thank you for your help.
Disable Maui Blazor title bar
Hi, I'm actually working on a Maui Blazor project to work on Windows, and for this project, I created a custom top bar, where I include some buttons etc... (n°2 on the picture below). But I would like to know how can I remove the default…
FontAwesome in MAUI
Hi, I am trying to use FontAwesome in Maui but it's not working and just showing a question mark. I have added the files to my project and set the Build to MauiFont and I configured the fonts: .ConfigureFonts(fonts => { …
Blazor Hybrid (MAUI) app works in iOS simulator, but not during App Review process
I recently finished developing my first Blazor Hybrid app. Everything went swimmingly. So I submitted it to the store and got back a rejection saying it crashes on start. The crash dump was very uninformative and I don't really know what to do next.The…
How to make dialog overlay transparent?
The code showing alert/dialog is: private async Task<bool> DisplayCancelSessionDialog() { var result = await DisplayAlert("Cancel session", "Are you sure you want to cancel session?", "Yes",…
Maui widthrequest for editor control implement
Maui for mobile implement displayinfo Hi l know how to get screen width in pixels and density. and I calculate the required width by dividing width pixels by density. my question is how I implement this width to the…
[MAUI .NET 6.0] CollectionView with ObservableCollection is throwing unhandled exception
I'm seeing an issue in my simple MAUI application with an ObservableCollection<string> inside a CollectionView. I can add items, but once I remove an item and then try to add another item I get the UnhandledException: …
what does the mean of x: syntax in xaml?
I'm learning Maui's XAML,but I don't understand the essence of these grammars,such as: x:Class x:Type x:Key x:Static xmlns:x etc Is there a general, easy to understand or essential worlds to describe this rule?
Any ideas to call the android third party functions?
Hi, Currently, we have developed an android applciation, running on pda (with printe function, call the function by third party package). How can we switch it to maui platform? Is it possible to put the third party package inside the android…
NET MAUI - Weird UI design on MAC
Hi all, When I run my app using VS preview leatest version on MAC, My UI appear like this, but without change code and run with VS on Windows the UI is correctly, Any comments about it.
PushModalAsync using Shell
Hi, How can I PushModalAsync using MAUI's Shell? Thanks, Jassim
ScrollView not working
Hi, I have below XAML that has a BindableLayout inside a ScrollView but when I run the project the view is not scrollable. How can I fix it please? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage…
Frame is not showing in windows
I am transitioning to .Maui from forms I developed a simple app, but on Windows, it looks horrible this is the same on Android XAML code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage…
Issue Quit Unexpectedly on MAC
Hi all I just install leastet VS for MAC version and when I run my app appear this error message
How to add my custom .NET MAUI class library output dlls to .NET MAUI app?
I have created a .NET MAUI class library single project that when built it generates multiple dlls each one inside platform specific folder. Now I am having difficulties figuring out how to reference this class library dlls inside my .NET MAUI app,…