Matt Soseman's Blog
Making you an IT superstar (and be cool doing it)!
Windows Autopilot: Stop creating images and modernize!
How do you deploy Windows automatically, without an image, to PCs anywhere in the world at anytime?...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 06/07/2019
Microsoft Teams: Security & Compliance
Microsoft Teams is the hot topic on the streets these days with everyone from small business to...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 06/03/2019
Govern, Audit and Control G Suite with Microsoft! (Google Apps + Cloud App Security)
Does your organization use G Suite or Google Apps? Do you have these requirements? Audit activity...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/25/2019
AzureAD: Setup SSO to G-Suite for free, and govern access! (Google Apps)
Did you know Azure Active Directory can provide Single Sign-On (SSO) to G-Suite (Google Apps)? In...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/25/2019
Push apps to iPhone/Android using Microsoft Intune
You may have the need to push an app to iOS (iPhone/iPad) or Android devices that are enrolled into...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/20/2019
Microsoft Teams: Protect against Phishing & Malware
Pretend for a moment that I am a marketing agency you just hired, and invite me as a guest to a team...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/18/2019
Leaving the org? Wipe Only Corporate Data from Native Mail App in iOS (Microsoft 365)
Wouldn't it be nice if an employee leaves the organization, that you can remove only your corporate...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/14/2019
Next time you present to a room of people, try this! (and look like a Rockstar…)
Can you see the projection screen in a meeting? If you can't would you agree it encourages...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/09/2019
Intune: Upgrade Windows Pro to Enterprise AUTOMATICALLY!
Do you have a bunch of Windows 10 Pro devices and would like upgrade them to Windows 10 Enterprise?...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 09/21/2018
Microsoft Teams: Share my iPhone/iPad screen in a meeting! (While on the beach...)
You're in a conference call while at the airport on your iPhone, and the meeting starts to discuss...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 09/09/2018
Microsoft Teams: Blur my background! (Please...)
Have you been on a conference call where everyone turns on their video, except for you? If you're...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 09/09/2018
Why you should enable MFA RIGHT NOW!
Are you a Global Admin for Office 365 in your organization? Do you have Multi-Factor Authentication...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 09/08/2018
Monitor & protect your data in ALL your clouds, NOW!
Think your organization is operating in a secure and compliant manner? After you answer the...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 09/08/2018
A credit score for cyber security?! Tell me more!
One of the keys to success in life is understanding your financial situation and where you sit on...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 08/25/2018
Send encrypted emails to anyone using Office 365!
Have you ever needed to send an email to someone, but didn't want them to forward the email nor copy...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 08/07/2018
Who owns what? The shared responsibility model of cloud and compliance (HIPAA, GDPR, NIST,ISO)
Do you need to meet an industry regulation? Curious what responsibilities Microsoft has as your...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 08/07/2018
AIP: I know when you open my document, and I can revoke access! (Compliance + Sales = Seller Hero)
Have you sent an email to someone (perhaps a customer) that contained an important document and wish...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 07/29/2018
Microsoft Teams: Protecting against advanced threats
How well do you trust your employees? What about your vendors? I'm constantly coming across...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 07/06/2018
Video: Do you know the Microsoft Security Story?
Do you know the Microsoft security story? Watch the video below as I present how Microsoft can help...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 06/10/2018
MFA: Don’t worry, your phone number won’t be published!
What happens if your identity is stolen and an attacker uses those credentials (username/password),...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 06/04/2018
Azure Active Directory Resources
One of the new trends in modern IT is consolidating your footprint of on-premises services you...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 03/27/2018
Intune: Protecting your data in the user’s device, not the device itself.
With the growing trend of employees bringing their own smartphones and tablets to work to access...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 03/04/2018
Intune: MDM Enrollment Experience (complete device management)
Microsoft Intune, part of Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS), is an Azure based service that...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 03/03/2018
Microsoft Teams: Limit access to only managed devices and reduce risk!
It's amazing watching the adoption journey of Microsoft teams among organizations and how it is...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/23/2018
Technical Readiness: Teams On-Air
You have heard me talk before how the Microsoft cloud is a dev ops platform and is constantly...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 02/09/2018
Microsoft Teams: Making meetings matter
When I first started in IT, the running joke (and more like a fact) was that in-person meetings...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 01/06/2018
Why do I receive invites to channel meetings in Microsoft Teams? (mystery solved)
For awhile I have been witnessing what I would call an oddity and something that I felt might be...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 01/06/2018
Firstline Worker: Your most valuable employees
How many Firstline Workers did you interact with today? For me, I count around a dozen or so that...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 01/04/2018
Microsoft 365 Overview and Briefing (Video)
Microsoft 365 is a compelling offering that enables organizations ranging from the small to mid-size...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 12/29/2017
Microsoft Teams: Overview and Demonstration (Video)
I am often asked "What is the best way to provide an overview to my organization and show them a...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 12/28/2017
Gaining visibility to “shadow IT” and discovering cloud apps in use today
You may not realize it, but your organization is already operating in the cloud. Even if your IT...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 12/18/2017
How I spend my day in Microsoft Teams (#Teamwork)
I often get asked "Matt what does a typical day in the life look like for you when using Microsoft...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 12/07/2017
Microsoft Teams: Help! The team owner left the company and we don’t know what to do!
Have you been a member of a team (in Microsoft Teams), and the only team member who has owner...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/29/2017
How I Invest in My Career: Podcasts
Staying relevant in a sea of constant change is a challenge that as an IT professional I face every...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/28/2017
Skype for Business: Stop sharing and start presenting!
Presenting in a virtual meeting to a large audience using audio, video and a PowerPoint deck can be...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/21/2017
Microsoft Teams in Education: Impacting our future
Growing up, I was not the best student and was always unorganized and ill prepared. Looking back, if...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/20/2017
The new culture of work
I wrote about how I invest in my career and one of the strategies is watching the Modern Workplace...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/19/2017
How I Invest in My Career: Modern Workplace
Staying relevant in a sea of constant change is a challenge that as an IT professional I face every...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/18/2017
Guest Activity Notification in Microsoft Teams
Guest Access in Microsoft Teams allows people from outside your organization to seamlessly...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/17/2017
Microsoft Teams: Sorry, I was talking on mute.
Have you been in a virtual meeting and you started talking, but wondered why no one was answering...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/17/2017
Wait, Don’t Click Send Yet! (Considering the Impact of Email)
We have all been there. Inundated with email throughout the day, our inboxes can range from having...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/11/2017
Microsoft Teams: PowerShell Support
As an IT Professional, I am always looking for ways to automate tasks and make daily operations...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 11/07/2017
Microsoft Teams: Use an Existing SharePoint Library
H Have you had a need to connect an existing SharePoint file repository to a team in Microsoft...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 10/28/2017
Tools: Microsoft Teams Awareness Campaign
As I described in a previous post there are some excellent resources available to aid you in rolling...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 10/27/2017
Intelligent Communications: Where to learn more
If you are looking to learn more about Intelligent Communications, I gathered some great resources...
Author: Matt Soseman Date: 10/27/2017