March 2019

Volume 34 Number 3

March 2019 Code Downloads

C# - Support Vector Machines Using C#

A support vector machine (SVM) is a software system that can make predictions using data. However, implementing a support vector machine is quite complex and difficult. James McCaffrey presents a complete working example of an SVM that will help you gain a good understanding of exactly how SVMs work and help you be able to use a library implementation.

Cutting Edge - Hierarchical Blazor Components

Dino Esposito continues his series on C# development with Blazor. In this column, he explores hierarchical and templated components, which are the most common type in Blazor applications.

Data Points - A Peek at the EF Core Cosmos DB Provider Preview, Part 2

Julie Lerman continues her exploration of the Cosmos DB provider preview in EF Core, with a discussion of some more advanced features, including configuring containers, integrating owned entities into the mix, and using logging to check out some of the SQL and other actions generated from the API.

Test Run - Neural Regression Using PyTorch

The goal of a regression problem is to predict a single numeric value. Using a demo program, James McCaffrey shows how to create a prediction model based on the Boston Housing dataset. The demo creates and trains a neural network, then makes a prediction about the median house price in a test town.

Web Development - Full Stack C# with Blazor

C# programmers today can write desktop, server-side Web, cloud, phone, tablet, watch, TV, and IoT applications. Now Blazor enables C# developer to share code and business logic right in the user’s browser. Learn how to write a Blazor Web application that runs inside the browser and shares code with a C# backend server.