JavaScript [JSImport]/[JSExport] interop with ASP.NET Core Blazor


This isn't the latest version of this article. For the current release, see the .NET 8 version of this article.


This version of ASP.NET Core is no longer supported. For more information, see .NET and .NET Core Support Policy. For the current release, see the .NET 8 version of this article.


This information relates to a pre-release product that may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

For the current release, see the .NET 8 version of this article.

This article explains how to interact with JavaScript (JS) in client-side components using JavaScript (JS) [JSImport]/[JSExport] interop API. For additional information and examples, see JavaScript `[JSImport]`/`[JSExport]` interop in .NET WebAssembly.

For additional guidance, see the Configuring and hosting .NET WebAssembly applications guidance in the .NET Runtime (dotnet/runtime) GitHub repository.

Blazor provides its own JS interop mechanism based on the IJSRuntime interface. Blazor's JS interop is uniformly supported across Blazor render modes and for Blazor Hybrid apps. IJSRuntime also enables library authors to build JS interop libraries for sharing across the Blazor ecosystem and remains the recommended approach for JS interop in Blazor. See the following articles:

This article describes an alternative JS interop approach specific to client-side components executed on WebAssembly. These approaches are appropriate when you only expect to run on client-side WebAssembly. Library authors can use these approaches to optimize JS interop by checking during code execution if the app is running on WebAssembly in a browser (OperatingSystem.IsBrowser). The approaches described in this article should be used to replace the obsolete unmarshalled JS interop API when migrating to .NET 7 or later.


This article focuses on JS interop in client-side components. For guidance on calling .NET in JavaScript apps, see JavaScript `[JSImport]`/`[JSExport]` interop with a WebAssembly Browser App project.

Obsolete JavaScript interop API

Unmarshalled JS interop using IJSUnmarshalledRuntime API is obsolete in ASP.NET Core in .NET 7 or later. Follow the guidance in this article to replace the obsolete API.


Visual Studio with the ASP.NET and web development workload.

No further tooling is required if you plan on implementing [JSImport]/[JSExport] interop in a Blazor WebAssembly app generated from the Blazor WebAssembly project template.

If you plan to use the WebAssembly Browser or WebAssembly Console app project templates, install the Microsoft.NET.Runtime.WebAssembly.Templates NuGet package with the following command:

dotnet new install Microsoft.NET.Runtime.WebAssembly.Templates

For more information, see JavaScript `[JSImport]`/`[JSExport]` interop with a WebAssembly Browser App project.


The JS interop API (JSHost.ImportAsync) described in this article is controlled by attributes in the System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript namespace.

Enable unsafe blocks

Enable the AllowUnsafeBlocks property in app's project file, which permits the code generator in the Roslyn compiler to use pointers for JS interop:



The JS interop API requires enabling AllowUnsafeBlocks. Be careful when implementing your own unsafe code in .NET apps, which can introduce security and stability risks. For more information, see Unsafe code, pointer types, and function pointers.

Razor class library (RCL) collocated JS is unsupported

Generally, the JS location support for IJSRuntime-based JS interop (JavaScript location in ASP.NET Core Blazor apps) is also present for the [JSImport]/[JSExport] interop described by this article. The only unsupported JS location feature is for collocated JS in a Razor class library (RCL).

Instead of using collocated JS in an RCL, place the JS file in the RCL's wwwroot folder and reference it using the usual path for RCL static assets:

_content/{PACKAGE ID}/{PATH}/{FILE NAME}.js

  • The {PACKAGE ID} placeholder is the RCL's package identifier (or library name for a class library).
  • The {PATH} placeholder is the path to the file.
  • The {FILE NAME} placeholder is the file name.

Although collocated JS in an RCL isn't supported by [JSImport]/[JSExport] interop, you can keep your JS files organized by taking either or both of the following approaches:

  • Name the JS file the same as the component where the JS is used. For a component in the RCL named CallJavaScriptFromLib (CallJavaScriptFromLib.razor), name the file CallJavaScriptFromLib.js in the wwwroot folder.
  • Place component-specific JS files in a Components folder inside the RCL's wwwroot folder and use "Components" in the path to the file: _content/{PACKAGE ID}/Components/CallJavaScriptFromLib.js.

Call JavaScript from .NET

This section explains how to call JS functions from .NET.

In the following CallJavaScript1 component:

  • The CallJavaScript1 module is imported asynchronously from the collocated JS file with JSHost.ImportAsync.
  • The imported getMessage JS function is called by GetWelcomeMessage.
  • The returned welcome message string is displayed in the UI via the message field.


@page "/call-javascript-1"
@rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly
@using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop 
    (Call JS Example 1)

@(message is not null ? message : string.Empty)

@code {
    private string? message;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await JSHost.ImportAsync("CallJavaScript1", 

        message = GetWelcomeMessage();
@page "/call-javascript-1"
@using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop 
    (Call JS Example 1)

@(message is not null ? message : string.Empty)

@code {
    private string? message;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await JSHost.ImportAsync("CallJavaScript1", 

        message = GetWelcomeMessage();


Include a conditional check in code with OperatingSystem.IsBrowser to ensure that the JS interop is only called by a component rendered on the client. This is important for libraries/NuGet packages that target server-side components, which can't execute the code provided by this JS interop API.

To import a JS function to call it from C#, use the [JSImport] attribute on a C# method signature that matches the JS function's signature. The first parameter to the [JSImport] attribute is the name of the JS function to import, and the second parameter is the name of the JS module.

In the following example, getMessage is a JS function that returns a string for a module named CallJavaScript1. The C# method signature matches: No parameters are passed to the JS function, and the JS function returns a string. The JS function is called by GetWelcomeMessage in C# code.


using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

namespace BlazorSample.Components.Pages;

public partial class CallJavaScript1
    [JSImport("getMessage", "CallJavaScript1")]
    internal static partial string GetWelcomeMessage();

The app's namespace for the preceding CallJavaScript1 partial class is BlazorSample. The component's namespace is BlazorSample.Components.Pages. If using the preceding component in a local test app, update the namespace to match the app. For example, the namespace is ContosoApp.Components.Pages if the app's namespace is ContosoApp. For more information, see ASP.NET Core Razor components.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

namespace BlazorSample.Pages;

public partial class CallJavaScript1
    [JSImport("getMessage", "CallJavaScript1")]
    internal static partial string GetWelcomeMessage();

The app's namespace for the preceding CallJavaScript1 partial class is BlazorSample. The component's namespace is BlazorSample.Pages. If using the preceding component in a local test app, update the namespace to match the app. For example, the namespace is ContosoApp.Pages if the app's namespace is ContosoApp. For more information, see ASP.NET Core Razor components.

In the imported method signature, you can use .NET types for parameters and return values, which are marshalled automatically by the runtime. Use JSMarshalAsAttribute<T> to control how the imported method parameters are marshalled. For example, you might choose to marshal a long as System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType.Number or System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType.BigInt. You can pass Action/Func<TResult> callbacks as parameters, which are marshalled as callable JS functions. You can pass both JS and managed object references, and they are marshaled as proxy objects, keeping the object alive across the boundary until the proxy is garbage collected. You can also import and export asynchronous methods with a Task result, which are marshaled as JS promises. Most of the marshalled types work in both directions, as parameters and as return values, on both imported and exported methods, which are covered in the Call .NET from JavaScript section later in this article.

For additional type mapping information and examples, see JavaScript `[JSImport]`/`[JSExport]` interop in .NET WebAssembly.

The module name in the [JSImport] attribute and the call to load the module in the component with JSHost.ImportAsync must match and be unique in the app. When authoring a library for deployment in a NuGet package, we recommend using the NuGet package namespace as a prefix in module names. In the following example, the module name reflects the Contoso.InteropServices.JavaScript package and a folder of user message interop classes (UserMessages):


Functions accessible on the global namespace can be imported by using the globalThis prefix in the function name and by using the [JSImport] attribute without providing a module name. In the following example, console.log is prefixed with globalThis. The imported function is called by the C# Log method, which accepts a C# string message (message) and marshalls the C# string to a JS String for console.log:

internal static partial void Log([JSMarshalAs<JSType.String>] string message);

Export scripts from a standard JavaScript module either collocated with a component or placed with other JavaScript static assets in a JS file (for example, wwwroot/js/{FILE NAME}.js, where JS static assets are maintained in a folder named js in the app's wwwroot folder and the {FILE NAME} placeholder is the file name).

In the following example, a JS function named getMessage is exported from a collocated JS file that returns a welcome message, "Hello from Blazor!" in Portuguese:


export function getMessage() {
  return 'Olá do Blazor!';

Call .NET from JavaScript

This section explains how to call .NET methods from JS.

The following CallDotNet1 component calls JS that directly interacts with the DOM to render the welcome message string:

  • The CallDotNet JS module is imported asynchronously from the collocated JS file for this component.
  • The imported setMessage JS function is called by SetWelcomeMessage.
  • The returned welcome message is displayed by setMessage in the UI via the message field.


In this section's example, JS interop is used to mutate a DOM element purely for demonstration purposes after the component is rendered in OnAfterRender. Typically, you should only mutate the DOM with JS when the object doesn't interact with Blazor. The approach shown in this section is similar to cases where a third-party JS library is used in a Razor component, where the component interacts with the JS library via JS interop, the third-party JS library interacts with part of the DOM, and Blazor isn't involved directly with the DOM updates to that part of the DOM. For more information, see ASP.NET Core Blazor JavaScript interoperability (JS interop).


@page "/call-dotnet-1"
@rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly
@using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop 
    (Call .NET Example 1)

    <span id="result">.NET method not executed yet</span>

@code {
    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
            await JSHost.ImportAsync("CallDotNet1", 

@page "/call-dotnet-1"
@using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop 
    (Call .NET Example 1)

    <span id="result">.NET method not executed yet</span>

@code {
    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
            await JSHost.ImportAsync("CallDotNet1", 


To export a .NET method so that it can be called from JS, use the [JSExport] attribute.

In the following example:

  • SetWelcomeMessage calls a JS function named setMessage. The JS function calls into .NET to receive the welcome message from GetMessageFromDotnet and displays the message in the UI.
  • GetMessageFromDotnet is a .NET method with the [JSExport] attribute that returns a welcome message, "Hello from Blazor!" in Portuguese.


using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

namespace BlazorSample.Components.Pages;

public partial class CallDotNet1
    [JSImport("setMessage", "CallDotNet1")]
    internal static partial void SetWelcomeMessage();

    internal static string GetMessageFromDotnet() => "Olá do Blazor!";

The app's namespace for the preceding CallDotNet1 partial class is BlazorSample. The component's namespace is BlazorSample.Components.Pages. If using the preceding component in a local test app, update the app's namespace to match the app. For example, the component namespace is ContosoApp.Components.Pages if the app's namespace is ContosoApp. For more information, see ASP.NET Core Razor components.

In the following example, a JS function named setMessage is imported from a collocated JS file.

The setMessage method:

  • Calls globalThis.getDotnetRuntime(0) to expose the WebAssembly .NET runtime instance for calling exported .NET methods.
  • Obtains the app assembly's JS exports. The name of the app's assembly in the following example is BlazorSample.
  • Calls the BlazorSample.Components.Pages.CallDotNet1.GetMessageFromDotnet method from the exports (exports). The returned value, which is the welcome message, is assigned to the CallDotNet1 component's <span> text. The app's namespace is BlazorSample, and the CallDotNet1 component's namespace is BlazorSample.Components.Pages.


export async function setMessage() {
  const { getAssemblyExports } = await globalThis.getDotnetRuntime(0);
  var exports = await getAssemblyExports("BlazorSample.dll");

  document.getElementById("result").innerText = 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

namespace BlazorSample.Pages;

public partial class CallDotNet1
    [JSImport("setMessage", "CallDotNet1")]
    internal static partial void SetWelcomeMessage();

    internal static string GetMessageFromDotnet() => "Olá do Blazor!";

The app's namespace for the preceding CallDotNet1 partial class is BlazorSample. The component's namespace is BlazorSample.Pages. If using the preceding component in a local test app, update the app's namespace to match the app. For example, the component namespace is ContosoApp.Pages if the app's namespace is ContosoApp. For more information, see ASP.NET Core Razor components.

In the following example, a JS function named setMessage is imported from a collocated JS file.

The setMessage method:

  • Calls globalThis.getDotnetRuntime(0) to expose the WebAssembly .NET runtime instance for calling exported .NET methods.
  • Obtains the app assembly's JS exports. The name of the app's assembly in the following example is BlazorSample.
  • Calls the BlazorSample.Pages.CallDotNet1.GetMessageFromDotnet method from the exports (exports). The returned value, which is the welcome message, is assigned to the CallDotNet1 component's <span> text. The app's namespace is BlazorSample, and the CallDotNet1 component's namespace is BlazorSample.Pages.


export async function setMessage() {
  const { getAssemblyExports } = await globalThis.getDotnetRuntime(0);
  var exports = await getAssemblyExports("BlazorSample.dll");

  document.getElementById("result").innerText = 


Calling getAssemblyExports to obtain the exports can occur in a JavaScript initializer for availability across the app.

Multiple module import calls

After a JS module is loaded, the module's JS functions are available to the app's components and classes as long as the app is running in the browser window or tab without the user manually reloading the app. JSHost.ImportAsync can be called multiple times on the same module without a significant performance penalty when:

  • The user visits a component that calls JSHost.ImportAsync to import a module, navigates away from the component, and then returns to the component where JSHost.ImportAsync is called again for the same module import.
  • The same module is used by different components and loaded by JSHost.ImportAsync in each of the components.

Use of a single JavaScript module across components

Before following the guidance in this section, read the Call JavaScript from .NET and Call .NET from JavaScript sections of this article, which provide general guidance on [JSImport]/[JSExport] interop.

The example in this section shows how to use JS interop from a shared JS module in a client-side app. The guidance in this section isn't applicable to Razor class libraries (RCLs).

The following components, classes, C# methods, and JS functions are used:

  • Interop class (Interop.cs): Sets up import and export JS interop with the [JSImport] and [JSExport] attributes for a module named Interop.
    • GetWelcomeMessage: .NET method that calls the imported getMessage JS function.
    • SetWelcomeMessage: .NET method that calls the imported setMessage JS function.
    • GetMessageFromDotnet: An exported C# method that returns a welcome message string when called from JS.
  • wwwroot/js/interop.js file: Contains the JS functions.
    • getMessage: Returns a welcome message when called by C# code in a component.
    • setMessage: Calls the GetMessageFromDotnet C# method and assigns the returned welcome message to a DOM <span> element.
  • Program.cs calls JSHost.ImportAsync to load the module from wwwroot/js/interop.js.
  • CallJavaScript2 component (CallJavaScript2.razor): Calls GetWelcomeMessage and displays the returned welcome message in the component's UI.
  • CallDotNet2 component (CallDotNet2.razor): Calls SetWelcomeMessage.


using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

namespace BlazorSample.JavaScriptInterop;

public partial class Interop
    [JSImport("getMessage", "Interop")]
    internal static partial string GetWelcomeMessage();

    [JSImport("setMessage", "Interop")]
    internal static partial void SetWelcomeMessage();

    internal static string GetMessageFromDotnet() => "Olá do Blazor!";

In the preceding example, the app's namespace is BlazorSample, and the full namespace for C# interop classes is BlazorSample.JavaScriptInterop.


export function getMessage() {
  return 'Olá do Blazor!';

export async function setMessage() {
  const { getAssemblyExports } = await globalThis.getDotnetRuntime(0);
  var exports = await getAssemblyExports("BlazorSample.dll");

  document.getElementById("result").innerText =

Make the System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript namespace available at the top of the Program.cs file:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;

Load the module in Program.cs before WebAssemblyHost.RunAsync is called:

if (OperatingSystem.IsBrowser())
    await JSHost.ImportAsync("Interop", "../js/interop.js");


@page "/call-javascript-2"
@rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly
@using BlazorSample.JavaScriptInterop

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop 
    (Call JS Example 2)

@(message is not null ? message : string.Empty)

@code {
    private string? message;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        message = Interop.GetWelcomeMessage();
@page "/call-javascript-2"
@using BlazorSample.JavaScriptInterop

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop 
    (Call JS Example 2)

@(message is not null ? message : string.Empty)

@code {
    private string? message;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        message = Interop.GetWelcomeMessage();


@page "/call-dotnet-2"
@rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly
@using BlazorSample.JavaScriptInterop

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop  
    (Call .NET Example 2)

    <span id="result">.NET method not executed</span>

@code {
    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
@page "/call-dotnet-2"
@using BlazorSample.JavaScriptInterop

    JS <code>[JSImport]</code>/<code>[JSExport]</code> Interop  
    (Call .NET Example 2)

    <span id="result">.NET method not executed</span>

@code {
    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)


In this section's example, JS interop is used to mutate a DOM element purely for demonstration purposes after the component is rendered in OnAfterRender. Typically, you should only mutate the DOM with JS when the object doesn't interact with Blazor. The approach shown in this section is similar to cases where a third-party JS library is used in a Razor component, where the component interacts with the JS library via JS interop, the third-party JS library interacts with part of the DOM, and Blazor isn't involved directly with the DOM updates to that part of the DOM. For more information, see ASP.NET Core Blazor JavaScript interoperability (JS interop).

Additional resources