AKS hybrid deployment options PowerShell reference

Commands to interact with AKS hybrid.

AKS hybrid cmdlets

Cmdlet Description
Add-AksHciGmsaCredentialSpec Adds a credentials spec for gMSA deployments on a cluster.
Add-AksHciNode Adds a new physical node to a deployment.
Disable-AksHciArcConnection Disables the Arc connection on an AKS hybrid cluster.
Disable-AksHciPreview Reverts AKS hybrid from a preview channel back to the stable channel.
Get-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Retrieves a list of available autoscaler configuration profiles in the system or a specific autoscaler configuration profile and its settings.
Enable-AksHciArcConnection Enables the Arc connection for an AKS hybrid cluster.
Enable-AksHciPreview Updates AKS hybrid to a preview channel.
Get-AksHciBillingStatus Gets billing status for the AKS hybrid deployment.
Get-AksHciCluster Lists deployed clusters including the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
Get-AksHciClusterNetwork Retrieves virtual network settings by name, cluster name, or a list of all virtual network settings in the system.
Get-AksHciClusterUpdates Gets the available upgrades for an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster.
Get-AksHciConfig Lists the current configuration settings for the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
Get-AksHciCredential Accesses your cluster using kubectl.
Get-AksHciEventLog Gets all the event logs from the AKS hybrid PowerShell module.
Get-AksHciKubernetesVersion Lists available version for creating managed Kubernetes cluster.
Get-AksHciLogs Creates a zipped folder with logs from all your pods.
Get-AksHciNodePool Lists the node pools in a Kubernetes cluster.
Get-AksHciProxySetting Retrieves a list or an individual proxy settings object.
Get-AksHciRegistration Gets registration information for the AKS hybrid deployment.
Get-AksHciRelease Downloads the install and upgrade bits to a local share.
Get-AksHciStorageContainer Gets information about the specified storage container.
Get-AksHciUpdates Lists available updates for AKS hybrid.
Get-AksHciVersion Gets the current version of AKS hybrid.
Get-AksHciVmSize Lists supported VM sizes.
Initialize-AksHciNode Runs checks on every physical node to see if all requirements are satisfied to install AKS hybrid.
Install-AksHci Installs the Azure Kubernetes Service on AKS hybrid agents/services and host.
Install-AksHciAdAuth Installs Active Directory authentication.
Install-AksHciCsiNfs Installs the CSI NFS plug-in to a cluster.
Install-AksHciCsiSmb Installs the CSI SMB plug-in to a cluster.
Install-AksHciGmsaWebhook Installs gMSA webhook add-on to the cluster.
Install-AksHciMonitoring Installs Prometheus for monitoring in the AKS hybrid deployment.
New-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Creates a new autoscaler configuration profile for the node pool autoscaler.
New-AksHciCluster Creates a new managed Kubernetes cluster.
New-AksHciClusterNetwork Creates an object for a new virtual network.
New-AksHciLoadBalancerSetting Creates a load balancer object for the workload clusters.
New-AksHciNetworkSetting Creates an object for a new virtual network.
New-AksHciNodePool Creates a new node pool to an existing cluster.
New-AksHciProxySetting Creates an object defining proxy server settings to pass into Set-AksHciConfig.
New-AksHciSSHConfiguration Creates an object for a new SSH configuration.
New-AksHciStorageContainer Creates a new storage container.
Remove-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Removes an unused autoscaler configuration profile from the system.
Remove-AksHciCluster Deletes a managed Kubernetes cluster.
Remove-AksHciGmsaCredentialSpec Deletes a credentials spec for gMSA deployments on a cluster.
Remove-AksHciClusterNetwork Removes a cluster network object.
Remove-AksHciCluster Deletes a managed Kubernetes cluster.
Remove-AksHciGmsaCredentialSpec Deletes a credentials spec for gMSA deployments on a cluster.
Remove-AksHciNode Removes a physical node from your deployment.
Remove-AksHciNodePool Deletes a node pool from a cluster.
Repair-AksHciCerts Troubleshoots and fixes errors related to expired certificates for the AKS hybrid host.
Repair-AksHciClusterCerts Troubleshoots and fixes errors related to expired certificated for Kubernetes built-in components.
Restart-AksHci Restarts Azure Kubernetes Service on AKS hybrid and removes all deployed Kubernetes clusters.
Set-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Configures individual settings of an autoscaler configuration profile.
Set-AksHciCluster Scales the number of control plane nodes or worker nodes in a cluster.
Set-AksHciConfig Sets or update the configurations settings for the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
Set-AksHciNodePool Scales a node pool within a Kubernetes cluster.
Set-AksHciRegistration Registers AKS hybrid with Azure.
Sync-AksHciBilling Manually triggers a billing records sync.
Test-UpdateAksHci Checks whether any target clusters are outside the AKS hybrid support window.
Uninstall-AksHci Removes AKS hybrid.
Uninstall-AksHciAdAuth Removes Active Directory authentication.
Uninstall-AksHciCsiNfs Uninstalls CSI NFS Plugin in a cluster.
Uninstall-AksHciCsiSmb Uninstalls the CSI SMB plug-in in a cluster.
Uninstall-AksHciGmsaWebhook Uninstalls the gMSA webhook add-on to the cluster.
Uninstall-AksHciMonitoring Removes Prometheus for monitoring from the AKS hybrid deployment.
Update-AksHci Updates the Azure Kubernetes Service host to the latest Kubernetes version.
Update-AksHciCluster Updates a managed Kubernetes cluster to a newer Kubernetes or OS version.

Next steps

AKS hybrid overview