The articles in this series describe an approach for designing a disaster recovery (DR) strategy for an Azure-based data platform.
Every organization's data needs are different, but the guidance provided acts as starting point, enabling the design of a DR strategy that fits your business requirements.
Key terms glossary
Definition | Notes | |
Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Entra ID |
ACL | Access Control Lists | |
ADLS | Azure Data Lake Storage | Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Introduction |
AKS | Azure Kubernetes Service | Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) documentation |
ARM | Azure Resource Manager | ARM template documentation |
BAU | Business As Usual | |
BC | Business Continuity | Business continuity management program in Azure |
BCDR | Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery | Business continuity management in Azure |
CI/CD | Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment | Azure DevOps - CI/CD Overview |
DR | Disaster Recovery | |
DNS | Domain Name System | |
DSC | Desired State Configuration | |
E2E | End to End | |
GRS | Geo-redundant storage | Storage Redundancy |
HA | High Availability | |
HSM | Hardware Security Module | Azure Managed HSM documentation |
IAC | Infrastructure As Code | |
IAAS | Infrastructure As A Service | What is IaaS? Infrastructure as a Service |
IOT | Internet of Things | |
ITIL | Information Technology Infrastructure Library | |
KDD | Key Design Decision | |
LRS | Locally Redundant Storage | Data redundancy - Azure Storage |
MSEE | Microsoft Enterprise Edge | |
MTO | Maximum Tolerable Outage | The maximum acceptable amount of time that dependent business processes can tolerate the platform being unavailable. MTO = RTO + WRT |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product | |
NFR | Non-Functional Requirement | Requirements on a solution or system related to usability, scalability, security, and accessibility rather than functionality. |
NSG | Network Security Group | Azure network security groups overview |
OPEX | Operational Expenditure | |
PaaS | Platform As A Service | What is PaaS? Platform as a Service |
PIR | Post-Incident Review | |
RA-GZRS | Read-Access Geo-Zone-Redundant Storage | Data redundancy - Azure Storage |
RPO | Recovery Point Objective | The maximum acceptable amount of data/processing loss, measured in time. |
RTO | Recovery Time Objective | The maximum acceptable amount of time needed to recover the Data platform service and bring it back online. |
SaaS | Software As A Service | What is SaaS? Software as a Service |
SDLC | Software Development Lifecycle | |
SME | Subject Mater Expert | |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | |
SSO | Single sign-on | |
UDR | User Defined Route | Azure virtual network traffic routing |
VM | Virtual Machine | Virtual Machines (VMs) for Linux and Windows |
VNET | Azure – Virtual Network | Azure Virtual Network |
WRT | Work Recovery Time | The maximum acceptable amount of time that is required to update the platform data/processing from the recovery point to the current period, enabling the business/solutions to use the service as BAU. |
ZRS | Zone-Redundant Storage | Data redundancy - Azure Storage |
Microsoft maintains this article. The following contributors originally wrote it.
Principal authors:
- Hajar Habjaoui | Cloud Solution Architect
- Justice Zisanhi | Cloud Solution Architect
- Scott Mckinnon | Cloud Solution Architect
Other contributors:
- Ananth Prakash | Senior CSA Manager
- Fabio Braga | Chief Architect – Customer Success
- Rolf Tesmer | Senior Cloud Solution Architect
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