DR for Azure Data Platform - Summary

Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Machine Learning
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Data Lake
Azure Event Hubs

The articles in this series describe an approach for designing a disaster recovery (DR) strategy for an Azure-based data platform.

Every organization's data needs are different, but the guidance provided acts as starting point, enabling the design of a DR strategy that fits your business requirements.

Key terms glossary

Definition Notes
Microsoft Entra ID Microsoft Entra ID Microsoft Entra ID
ACL Access Control Lists
ADLS Azure Data Lake Storage Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Introduction
AKS Azure Kubernetes Service Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) documentation
ARM Azure Resource Manager ARM template documentation
BAU Business As Usual
BC Business Continuity Business continuity management program in Azure
BCDR Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Business continuity management in Azure
CI/CD Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment Azure DevOps - CI/CD Overview
DR Disaster Recovery
DNS Domain Name System
DSC Desired State Configuration
E2E End to End
GRS Geo-redundant storage Storage Redundancy
HA High Availability
HSM Hardware Security Module Azure Managed HSM documentation
IAC Infrastructure As Code
IAAS Infrastructure As A Service What is IaaS? Infrastructure as a Service
IOT Internet of Things
ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library
KDD Key Design Decision
LRS Locally Redundant Storage Data redundancy - Azure Storage
MSEE Microsoft Enterprise Edge
MTO Maximum Tolerable Outage The maximum acceptable amount of time that dependent business processes can tolerate the platform being unavailable.
MVP Minimum Viable Product
NFR Non-Functional Requirement Requirements on a solution or system related to usability, scalability, security, and accessibility rather than functionality.
NSG Network Security Group Azure network security groups overview
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PaaS Platform As A Service What is PaaS? Platform as a Service
PIR Post-Incident Review
RA-GZRS Read-Access Geo-Zone-Redundant Storage Data redundancy - Azure Storage
RPO Recovery Point Objective The maximum acceptable amount of data/processing loss, measured in time.
RTO Recovery Time Objective The maximum acceptable amount of time needed to recover the Data platform service and bring it back online.
SaaS Software As A Service What is SaaS? Software as a Service
SDLC Software Development Lifecycle
SME Subject Mater Expert
SLA Service Level Agreement
SSO Single sign-on
UDR User Defined Route Azure virtual network traffic routing
VM Virtual Machine Virtual Machines (VMs) for Linux and Windows
VNET Azure – Virtual Network Azure Virtual Network
WRT Work Recovery Time The maximum acceptable amount of time that is required to update the platform data/processing from the recovery point to the current period, enabling the business/solutions to use the service as BAU.
ZRS Zone-Redundant Storage Data redundancy - Azure Storage


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