Migrate Bing Maps Geodata API
Article 05/22/2024
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This article explains how to migrate the Bing Maps Geodata API to the Azure Maps Get Polygon API. The Azure Maps Get Polygon API is used to get polygon data of a geographical area shape such as a city or a country region.
Bing Maps Geodata API supports Atom and JSON response formats. Azure Maps Get Polygon API supports the GeoJSON response format.
Bing Maps Geodata API returns compressed polygons, which requires the use of a decompression algorithm to get the polygon coordinates. Azure Maps Get Polygon API returns polygon coordinates directly in the API response uncompressed, without the need to use a decompression algorithm.
Bing Maps Geodata API uses coordinates in the latitude/longitude format. Azure Maps Get Polygon API uses coordinates in the longitude/latitude format, as defined by GeoJSON .
Bing Maps Geodata API returns more information about polygons that Azure Maps Get Polygon API doesn't, such as AreaSqKm, BestMapViewBox, NumPoints, PopulationClass, and WikipediaURL.
Unlike Bing Maps Geodata API, Azure Maps Get Polygon API has a view
input parameter, which is a string that represents an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code . The view
input parameter alters geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region. For more information, see URI Parameters .
Unlike Bing Maps for Enterprise, Azure Maps is a global service that supports specifying a geographic scope, which allows you to limit data residency to the European (EU) or United States (US) geographic areas (geos). All requests (including input data) are processed exclusively in the specified geographic area. For more information, see Azure Maps service geographic scope .
Security and authentication
Bing Maps for Enterprise only supports API key authentication. Azure Maps supports multiple ways to authenticate your API calls, such as a subscription key , Microsoft Entra ID , and Shared Access Signature (SAS) Token . For more information on security and authentication in Azure Maps, See Authentication with Azure Maps and the Security section in the Azure Maps Get Polygon documentation.
The following table lists the Bing Maps Geodata request parameters and the Azure Maps equivalent:
Expand table
Bing Maps request parameter
Azure Maps request parameter
Required in Azure Maps
Azure Maps data type
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Azure Maps Get Polygon API only supports coordinates as location input. To get the coordinates for an address, you can use the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API.
Request Header: Accept-Language
In Azure Maps Get Polygon API, this is the language in which search results should be returned. This is specified in the Azure Maps request header . For more information, see Supported Languages .
Here are the Bing Maps Geodata API to Azure Maps Get Polygon API entityType
to resultType
equivalents: - AdminDivision1: adminDistrict - AdminDivision2: adminDistrict2 -CountryRegion: countryRegion -Neighborhood: neighborhood -PopulatedPlace: locality - Postcode1: postalCode - Postcode2: postalCode2 - Postcode3: postalCode3 - Postcode4: postalCode4
Not needed
Not needed
Not needed
Azure Maps Get Polygon API by default supports returning all polygons for the specified resultType
. For example, if you're requesting the boundary of the United States, many polygons that include Alaska, Hawaii, and various outlying islands are returned, not just a single polygon representing the main boundary of the continental United States.
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
latitude, longitude
Bing Maps Geodata API requires coordinates in latitude/longitude format. Azure Maps Get Polygon API requires longitude/latitude, as defined by GeoJSON .
Here are the Bing Maps Geodata API to Azure Maps Get Polygon API LevelOfDetail to resolution equivalents: - 0: small - 1: medium - 2: large - 3: huge In Azure Maps Get Polygon API, if resolution
isn't specified, the default is medium
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Azure Maps Get Polygon API only supported GeoJSON response format.
A string that represents an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code . This alters geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region. By default, the View parameter is set to Auto
even if not defined it in the request. For more information on available Views, see Supported Views .
For more information about the Azure Maps Get Polygon API request parameters, see URI Parameters .
Bing Maps Geodata API request:
Azure Maps Get Polygon API request:
The following table lists the fields that can appear in the HTTP response when running the Bing Maps Geodata request and the Azure Maps equivalent:
Expand table
Bing Maps response
Azure Maps response
Copyright - CopyrightURL
properties: copyrightURL
Copyright - Sources
properties: geometriesCopyright
CopyrightSource - SourceID
Not supported
CopyrightSource - SourceName
properties: geometriesCopyright - sourceName
CopyrightSource - Copyright
properties: geometriesCopyright - copyright
Not supported
EntityMetadata - AreaSqKm
Not supported
EntityMetadata - BestMapViewBox
Not supported
EntityMetadata - OfficialCulture
Not supported
EntityMetadata - PopulationClass
Not supported
EntityMetadata - RegionalCulture
Not supported
EntityMetadata - WikipediaURL
Not supported
Name - EntityName
properties: name
Name - Culture
Not supported
Name - SourceID
Not supported
Primitives - PrimativeID
Not supported
Primitives - Shape
GeometryCollection: geometries - coordinates
Bing Maps Geodata API returns a comma-delimited sequence starting with the version number of the polygon set followed by a list of compressed polygon “rings” (closed paths represented by sequences of latitude/longitude points). A Bing Maps Geodata API decompression algorithm is needed to get the polygon coordinates. Azure Maps Get Polygon API returns the polygon coordinates directly in the response uncompressed, with no need to use a decompression algorithm. Bing Maps Geodata API returns the coordinates in latitude/longitude format, whereas Azure Maps Get Polygon API returns the coordinates in longitude/latitude format, as defined by GeoJSON .
Primitives - NumPoints
Not supported
Primitives - SourceID
Not supported
For more information about the Azure Maps Get Polygon API response fields, see Definitions .
The following JSON sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing the Bing Maps _Geodata _ request:
"d" : {
"Copyright" : "© 2024 Microsoft and its suppliers. This API and any results cannot be used or accessed without Microsoft's express written permission." ,
"results" : [
"__metadata" : {
"uri" : "https://platform.bing.com/geo/spatial/v1/public/Geodata?$filter=GetEntity(5669357583933112321L,0,1,'en-US','US')"
"EntityID" : "5669357583933112321" ,
"EntityMetadata" : {
"BestMapViewBox" : "MULTIPOINT ((-4.4419009 40.0715388), (-2.9696372 40.7642994))" ,
"EntityType" : "PopulatedPlace" ,
"PopulationClass" : "PopClassOver1000000" ,
"WikipediaURL" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madrid"
"Name" : {
"EntityName" : "Madrid" ,
"Culture" : "en" ,
"SourceID" : "133"
"Primitives" : [
"PrimitiveID" : "5669358580365524997" ,
"Shape" : "1,wskhomqijBsslyC84lmC8tiEh28BrsmD18kEo48E49pHwvzCujwpBx03Ollo5DnlrQs54Dut_L51jM19vV2gwHsw3L695Cz_tB7j8Xhn0C_qgJqrsG55ZvlqDpgyDxk1Mkj4G217CmsF_2tFjwnGyv3Ej4C_zGqzTongEy4qmBw1hR_l9Sg1pd47tO0qhW0mvzB1zoDy56GzjpZol4GhxzGj9uHy3lIq7lO_7-Hh2kB3m18B3kBum9VmniGw5hEv2oE1q3Bo8c9p2BywX4mzXnylHsiN_jnG8gJ8n3C489Z_u-YixqN_oiG561H06uMiqsYxuwBvpgkC7wzEhw2I3gZp3uYn0iQr5wHn7lFr48av2nIwsuhBqgjvB85xOql1H8u9bhmZ463F5BrsW28vG48qB4gwN_hmJt74N_3rFsv2C05pF3yrEv51CtlyQggwF3k_Jqjudqt-BopnDw-9Nm89Rt92Jln3O26_UkkmDhzpch4U233Ftk4Eyn3Glv-lBn5tgB9iyCnnuD7nHn82SixmI0qlpB90sIsjnhBglrVzvxC1l4c0y7d6oiG5qjhB8q3Jg-jTjwhB9_0Np6xB461YrjpEgg0IlO0kBxwV_tTy3kGpqoGxyoE36_Du9tMj7mEkmnGnzlW0s0BnsCmiKvrC76DkjL0jb9GgiB6htB38pK5z9SqBm9iJs8xBzuqH4-I6q2Dv5pYp07Iq6gM2pkDqtxC7wkD75sP-hmMzw4G14Rw9pCunqrBp5qK48nVy62E0xiLu3iIjp_PlwBkmsJnz_E6x8Bj12EqwzhB-qlgEjppC5rrC09Hp9uB71_Eu-xkB18mBog0P_hlBviD4u9Cvv-7Bv08L9yrR57tK2-u0C3r4kC31yNvlxCkkogBzjmJ8n82C49nB_j2Z97kX68hT4l6M8x7Huu_Fly1zE36hVry8LvgKqqiH33hLkrrDu2T5hwEg9oBo2sDmpsEp-jB2wY9xzCqwsHtxzClz7H_mxCpuVggrC1qjCz_9Gj96BypvHy8qErhpEmt_Z84gM6gpDyyjCm9qB4yjCp25D03pOo1uBjutCk-jQq04Kw40H4z0C2_8I34xVzn5iBsi9MkmkM7rqHuyiWp1pDlu9Q4_2yB2_qI4_wMuluHg9rep8rI4jhlCqwolBip9Nz3xCqx5oBvqhB48kuBhyuW2pmsDswtCtysI0rjEz9oEgp3Cio0FkyjFos80Dj08F-x6Xg28boz3a3rtJ79WrrwKu_plBny4C429eng2Hx73FrpEui-yB-qb896Fon7Eyl-E9mjBqv4E_4wC_34Zxi_By2jH7l_Ol-2yB2zJ85Dnp4mBt5rB4s4FhpI-7oNvvDkj9JnunBq3xzBp7hxCo9buo8C9wpK4q9F99_L6-3jBg8_Pu9tBx-yUjlwN-36H7w2xBj8oIlp0bsvkNtusBm-xjBu37GvmNuwhyC00yCg5axkwCxp5E5ztYn_gQ6mmCq0vb28wSp-yKzs4Km4sKsooH6_T531B_24GmyhC73vCkkpE8rmMijaj-xKn7pHxjhB78lOspwB1o3Il_xK75oR69G3jgEy0tDwg_PxkyIm4nF1oyJxkuFk3tCr_yGnj6IovyIigMn9nsEuryNt18JvqwhC_3ogBzt9Csm3P_lvBjw3BjjuV4whBpjPzwiC7wUtZt4oE_4xGq-7hB903OplsDl-6CxkvH4xglBo6pF_z4P-tEk8Yl0jQ7hf8h1Bj5wBi4M1qkPx4S365Igp9B3_sRrmS4hjE5wmS00GuzhBs97C5vtB7ktBo50B-5hDx4vEq0ZjniLskQ8kqpB1m43D1px8DivnG1kqR2-koB787FjzvBvmrFh0mF3ouI12Z1vL6ijC6w5D8o0Bmcy3d_gE_41C939Iilu9BwhyGrkhBsmkK1-3sBhtkb09zQ9n0cgqvG4i7rDph6D9p_sDoluPn9oR3s4hC8up7Co-zgB7uEwtIhj8XyqwhBzpo9B9h76B85phCy6FtmY7p2lBg1tsEukSqzmGvvrlV6llMu1idyh0gEtu_1Cp23mBt25M-oovB38nG-hhBux4CjqmB7ouCgj-Fiz0kBl6vctx2Wi1EmpiBy69lBs10Xkz6Dp3dqt97BljoLhooBrznRvt0Fwq2B_26tE4uR15lkB5_qD8n8wBspu0B2kxN1h1Kg78BisuVw9tPopiT90vF0u7yB8klV" ,
"NumPoints" : "554" ,
"SourceID" : "5"
"Copyright" : {
"CopyrightURL" : "http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/about-bing-data-suppliers" ,
"Sources" : [
"SourceID" : "5" ,
"SourceName" : "TOM" ,
"Copyright" : "TomTom"
The following JSON sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing an Azure Maps Get Polygon request:
"type" :"Feature" ,
"geometry" : {
"type" :"GeometryCollection" ,
"geometries" :[ {
"type" : "Polygon" , "coordinates" :[[[-3.59839 , 40.312070000000006 ], [-3.5874500000000005 , 40.31273 ], [-3.5782200000000004 , 40.313860000000005 ], [-3.57622 , 40.314800000000005 ], [-3.5779 , 40.314710000000005 ], [-3.5792400000000004 , 40.31566 ], [-3.5813300000000003 , 40.31618 ], [-3.58387 , 40.31588 ], [-3.5850400000000002 , 40.31817 ], [-3.58442 , 40.322100000000006 ], [-3.5828200000000003 , 40.32625 ], [-3.5794500000000005 , 40.32779 ], [-3.5719300000000005 , 40.334360000000004 ], [-3.5698800000000004 , 40.337480000000006 ], [-3.56958 , 40.33966 ], [-3.5673000000000004 , 40.341800000000006 ], [-3.5653 , 40.34425 ], [-3.5621000000000005 , 40.34698 ], [-3.5607900000000003 , 40.349120000000006 ], [-3.5583700000000005 , 40.351130000000005 ], [-3.55765 , 40.35255 ], [-3.55656 , 40.352990000000005 ], [-3.55323 , 40.35591 ], [-3.5530100000000004 , 40.36126 ], [-3.55486 , 40.35987 ], [-3.5555600000000003 , 40.36032 ], [-3.55602 , 40.362190000000005 ], [-3.5553200000000005 , 40.3639 ], [-3.5525700000000002 , 40.365700000000004 ], [-3.5511000000000004 , 40.37008 ], [-3.55119 , 40.3731 ], [-3.55025 , 40.375350000000005 ], [-3.5486600000000004 , 40.37711 ], [-3.54897 , 40.38082 ], [-3.5455 , 40.385270000000006 ], [-3.5435800000000004 , 40.388630000000006 ], [-3.5424300000000004 , 40.393040000000006 ], [-3.5372800000000004 , 40.39126 ], [-3.5327900000000003 , 40.391630000000006 ], [-3.5290800000000004 , 40.38933 ], [-3.5268200000000003 , 40.38973 ], [-3.5241100000000003 , 40.39088 ], [-3.52177 , 40.391200000000005 ], [-3.5203200000000003 , 40.39206 ], [-3.5197700000000003 , 40.396150000000006 ], [-3.5185400000000002 , 40.39996 ], [-3.5180100000000003 , 40.402460000000005 ], [-3.51907 , 40.405170000000005 ], [-3.5190400000000004 , 40.40863 ], [-3.5208600000000003 , 40.412040000000005 ], [-3.52226 , 40.41389 ], [-3.5244400000000002 , 40.415330000000004 ], [-3.5250900000000005 , 40.41630000000001 ], [-3.5310500000000005 , 40.42006000000001 ], [-3.5302000000000002 , 40.414680000000004 ], [-3.5327500000000005 , 40.41407 ], [-3.5351200000000005 , 40.414280000000005 ], [-3.5361300000000004 , 40.41264 ], [-3.5375900000000002 , 40.41241 ], [-3.5383500000000003 , 40.411410000000004 ], [-3.5396 , 40.411550000000005 ], [-3.5396400000000003 , 40.41049 ], [-3.5492500000000002 , 40.4123 ], [-3.5507400000000002 , 40.411820000000006 ], [-3.55168 , 40.412180000000006 ], [-3.5534700000000004 , 40.41174 ], [-3.55858 , 40.41304 ], [-3.5645100000000003 , 40.41351 ], [-3.57236 , 40.411910000000006 ], [-3.5774500000000002 , 40.41344 ], [-3.5796400000000004 , 40.417570000000005 ], [-3.5754400000000004 , 40.42549 ], [-3.5777300000000003 , 40.42595 ], [-3.5767100000000003 , 40.428700000000006 ], [-3.5768500000000003 , 40.42969 ], [-3.57934 , 40.433530000000005 ], [-3.57487 , 40.43419 ], [-3.5757800000000004 , 40.43679 ], [-3.5737600000000005 , 40.43768 ], [-3.5685800000000003 , 40.436220000000006 ], [-3.5660900000000004 , 40.43773 ], [-3.5602600000000004 , 40.43816 ], [-3.5520000000000005 , 40.441520000000004 ], [-3.54245 , 40.44332 ], [-3.5411400000000004 , 40.44371 ], [-3.5407 , 40.444500000000005 ], [-3.5380900000000004 , 40.444160000000004 ], [-3.53838 , 40.44502000000001 ], [-3.5355600000000003 , 40.44471 ], [-3.5349600000000003 , 40.44496 ], [-3.5352200000000003 , 40.44635 ], [-3.5311200000000005 , 40.446870000000004 ], [-3.53291 , 40.44896000000001 ], [-3.53433 , 40.452510000000004 ], [-3.5321300000000004 , 40.454600000000006 ], [-3.53094 , 40.4547 ], [-3.5287400000000004 , 40.454100000000004 ], [-3.5267800000000005 , 40.45497 ], [-3.5265400000000002 , 40.456070000000004 ], [-3.5290500000000002 , 40.45863000000001 ], [-3.5294800000000004 , 40.460890000000006 ], [-3.52821 , 40.46406 ], [-3.5250100000000004 , 40.467800000000004 ], [-3.5250100000000004 , 40.46904000000001 ], [-3.52653 , 40.470380000000006 ], [-3.53066 , 40.471610000000005 ], [-3.5324000000000004 , 40.47471 ], [-3.5342000000000002 , 40.476150000000004 ], [-3.5351000000000004 , 40.48091 ], [-3.5373200000000002 , 40.484550000000006 ], [-3.53696 , 40.486470000000004 ], [-3.5413300000000003 , 40.488910000000004 ], [-3.54171 , 40.48977 ], [-3.5414900000000005 , 40.49244 ], [-3.5424900000000004 , 40.49452 ], [-3.5450100000000004 , 40.49618 ], [-3.5505700000000004 , 40.49795 ], [-3.5556200000000002 , 40.501340000000006 ], [-3.5548300000000004 , 40.50303 ], [-3.5552500000000005 , 40.503220000000006 ], [-3.55514 , 40.50864000000001 ], [-3.55426 , 40.51142 ], [-3.56225 , 40.511190000000006 ], [-3.5650100000000005 , 40.51214 ], [-3.5720400000000003 , 40.51249000000001 ], [-3.5757200000000005 , 40.51057 ], [-3.57797 , 40.510450000000006 ], [-3.58292 , 40.50853 ], [-3.58475 , 40.506780000000006 ], [-3.5891300000000004 , 40.504580000000004 ], [-3.5933300000000004 , 40.50141 ], [-3.60279 , 40.501430000000006 ], [-3.6035200000000005 , 40.502010000000006 ], [-3.60591 , 40.50435 ], [-3.6058000000000003 , 40.50583 ], [-3.61005 , 40.50784 ], [-3.61085 , 40.50883 ], [-3.6126300000000002 , 40.509310000000006 ], [-3.61513 , 40.511120000000005 ], [-3.6181400000000004 , 40.51024 ], [-3.62109 , 40.51026 ], [-3.6228900000000004 , 40.50918 ], [-3.6257 , 40.509530000000005 ], [-3.6285000000000003 , 40.50851 ], [-3.6310900000000004 , 40.50855000000001 ], [-3.63322 , 40.50773 ], [-3.6420500000000002 , 40.508320000000005 ], [-3.6449300000000004 , 40.508100000000006 ], [-3.6481000000000003 , 40.51057 ], [-3.65241 , 40.511230000000005 ], [-3.6547400000000003 , 40.512930000000004 ], [-3.6560400000000004 , 40.51317 ], [-3.6578000000000004 , 40.51156 ], [-3.6586000000000003 , 40.51176 ], [-3.6591000000000005 , 40.513720000000006 ], [-3.66155 , 40.51758 ], [-3.6628600000000002 , 40.52008 ], [-3.6661500000000005 , 40.52123 ], [-3.6655400000000005 , 40.52299 ], [-3.6658800000000005 , 40.52460000000001 ], [-3.6676100000000003 , 40.52514 ], [-3.67201 , 40.52451000000001 ], [-3.6752200000000004 , 40.52577 ], [-3.6772000000000005 , 40.527120000000004 ], [-3.67104 , 40.53211 ], [-3.66923 , 40.53457 ], [-3.6720200000000003 , 40.537560000000006 ], [-3.6740800000000005 , 40.5384 ], [-3.67559 , 40.540980000000005 ], [-3.6779200000000003 , 40.542930000000005 ], [-3.67871 , 40.54553000000001 ], [-3.67857 , 40.546760000000006 ], [-3.6824000000000003 , 40.551170000000006 ], [-3.6823600000000005 , 40.554010000000005 ], [-3.6853300000000004 , 40.558530000000005 ], [-3.6868600000000002 , 40.56322 ], [-3.68948 , 40.5688 ], [-3.6893100000000003 , 40.57056 ], [-3.69043 , 40.56996 ], [-3.6905900000000003 , 40.569230000000005 ], [-3.6914100000000003 , 40.56996 ], [-3.69498 , 40.57374 ], [-3.69695 , 40.575010000000006 ], [-3.6982200000000005 , 40.57696000000001 ], [-3.6998300000000004 , 40.578140000000005 ], [-3.70155 , 40.57826 ], [-3.7015100000000003 , 40.578610000000005 ], [-3.6993300000000002 , 40.5786 ], [-3.6914100000000003 , 40.58059 ], [-3.6888600000000005 , 40.58245 ], [-3.6846 , 40.58352 ], [-3.6821200000000003 , 40.585170000000005 ], [-3.66745 , 40.592020000000005 ], [-3.6621400000000004 , 40.59212 ], [-3.6605600000000003 , 40.591660000000005 ], [-3.65614 , 40.58881 ], [-3.6546200000000004 , 40.586450000000006 ], [-3.6510300000000004 , 40.57811 ], [-3.6502700000000003 , 40.57744 ], [-3.64753 , 40.57694 ], [-3.6442900000000003 , 40.576930000000004 ], [-3.6399200000000005 , 40.575140000000005 ], [-3.6350100000000003 , 40.57446 ], [-3.6306200000000004 , 40.574650000000005 ], [-3.628 , 40.57368 ], [-3.6249900000000004 , 40.57379 ], [-3.6163200000000004 , 40.580670000000005 ], [-3.6118600000000005 , 40.582080000000005 ], [-3.6089700000000002 , 40.583600000000004 ], [-3.6087700000000003 , 40.58411 ], [-3.60644 , 40.58518 ], [-3.6049700000000002 , 40.58796 ], [-3.6035200000000005 , 40.58885 ], [-3.6023300000000003 , 40.59010000000001 ], [-3.6018200000000005 , 40.59207000000001 ], [-3.6035200000000005 , 40.593120000000006 ], [-3.60483 , 40.59449 ], [-3.6052100000000005 , 40.59644 ], [-3.6069100000000005 , 40.596810000000005 ], [-3.60876 , 40.598440000000004 ], [-3.6105400000000003 , 40.59873 ], [-3.61296 , 40.599900000000005 ], [-3.61642 , 40.601490000000005 ], [-3.61614 , 40.603060000000006 ], [-3.6171 , 40.605470000000004 ], [-3.61683 , 40.606930000000006 ], [-3.61837 , 40.60889 ], [-3.6179500000000004 , 40.61113 ], [-3.61987 , 40.61186 ], [-3.6224600000000002 , 40.615790000000004 ], [-3.6265000000000005 , 40.61688 ], [-3.6285300000000005 , 40.61834 ], [-3.6286000000000005 , 40.61975 ], [-3.6294500000000003 , 40.620760000000004 ], [-3.6287900000000004 , 40.62259 ], [-3.6301500000000004 , 40.626070000000006 ], [-3.6296600000000003 , 40.627610000000004 ], [-3.63011 , 40.62854 ], [-3.6328600000000004 , 40.630930000000006 ], [-3.63756 , 40.63797 ], [-3.6387600000000004 , 40.638670000000005 ], [-3.6444 , 40.638360000000006 ], [-3.6486500000000004 , 40.64166 ], [-3.65201 , 40.642900000000004 ], [-3.6556100000000002 , 40.64352 ], [-3.6584000000000003 , 40.642340000000004 ], [-3.6616000000000004 , 40.63976 ], [-3.66725 , 40.63143 ], [-3.6682900000000003 , 40.62917 ], [-3.6684500000000004 , 40.62632000000001 ], [-3.6670000000000003 , 40.623070000000006 ], [-3.6666800000000004 , 40.6199 ], [-3.6713500000000003 , 40.61751 ], [-3.6743400000000004 , 40.61679 ], [-3.6793000000000005 , 40.611110000000004 ], [-3.6849800000000004 , 40.60897000000001 ], [-3.6875000000000004 , 40.6069 ], [-3.6883100000000004 , 40.605470000000004 ], [-3.6910900000000004 , 40.60007 ], [-3.6914100000000003 , 40.59908 ], [-3.6963100000000004 , 40.590090000000004 ], [-3.7053400000000005 , 40.584920000000004 ], [-3.7052000000000005 , 40.583070000000006 ], [-3.7083600000000003 , 40.58362 ], [-3.7104800000000004 , 40.58314 ], [-3.7130000000000005 , 40.583270000000006 ], [-3.7145 , 40.58265 ], [-3.71729 , 40.5829 ], [-3.71938 , 40.58209 ], [-3.7301 , 40.585210000000004 ], [-3.73342 , 40.58536 ], [-3.73722 , 40.58615 ], [-3.73815 , 40.58652 ], [-3.74073 , 40.590700000000005 ], [-3.7458000000000005 , 40.59225 ], [-3.7492600000000005 , 40.59272 ], [-3.7501100000000003 , 40.59248 ], [-3.7528900000000003 , 40.594750000000005 ], [-3.75842 , 40.596140000000005 ], [-3.75979 , 40.597030000000004 ], [-3.7658500000000004 , 40.598560000000006 ], [-3.76813 , 40.599610000000006 ], [-3.7705100000000003 , 40.599920000000004 ], [-3.7782800000000005 , 40.601760000000006 ], [-3.7793 , 40.60159 ], [-3.7816500000000004 , 40.600840000000005 ], [-3.7828700000000004 , 40.601760000000006 ], [-3.7835400000000003 , 40.60177 ], [-3.7851000000000004 , 40.60047 ], [-3.7863700000000002 , 40.600390000000004 ], [-3.7898300000000003 , 40.59901 ], [-3.79537 , 40.599970000000006 ], [-3.7970400000000004 , 40.59985 ], [-3.7991200000000003 , 40.598510000000005 ], [-3.8035500000000004 , 40.599030000000006 ], [-3.8003000000000005 , 40.604890000000005 ], [-3.8004200000000004 , 40.605470000000004 ], [-3.8005000000000004 , 40.605830000000005 ], [-3.8061100000000003 , 40.60783 ], [-3.80628 , 40.60947 ], [-3.8091000000000004 , 40.609280000000005 ], [-3.80954 , 40.60987 ], [-3.8126900000000004 , 40.608180000000004 ], [-3.8101800000000003 , 40.606640000000006 ], [-3.80967 , 40.605470000000004 ], [-3.80608 , 40.59987 ], [-3.8126 , 40.596830000000004 ], [-3.81436 , 40.595420000000004 ], [-3.81612 , 40.595000000000006 ], [-3.8202000000000003 , 40.59503 ], [-3.8226800000000005 , 40.594390000000004 ], [-3.8278200000000004 , 40.59465 ], [-3.8332400000000004 , 40.593560000000004 ], [-3.83557 , 40.59203 ], [-3.8377200000000005 , 40.59138 ], [-3.8404700000000003 , 40.592400000000005 ], [-3.84323 , 40.592510000000004 ], [-3.8456300000000003 , 40.591370000000005 ], [-3.85007 , 40.59049 ], [-3.85489 , 40.588010000000004 ], [-3.85991 , 40.5882 ], [-3.8635900000000003 , 40.58953 ], [-3.8658500000000005 , 40.591640000000005 ], [-3.8671900000000003 , 40.59208 ], [-3.86729 , 40.59214 ], [-3.8739000000000003 , 40.591150000000006 ], [-3.8761500000000004 , 40.59004 ], [-3.8761 , 40.589270000000006 ], [-3.8769000000000005 , 40.588620000000006 ], [-3.8836600000000003 , 40.585260000000005 ], [-3.8835100000000002 , 40.582550000000005 ], [-3.8842600000000003 , 40.58127 ], [-3.8839200000000003 , 40.578430000000004 ], [-3.8857000000000004 , 40.574250000000006 ], [-3.88844 , 40.572210000000005 ], [-3.8890000000000002 , 40.570870000000006 ], [-3.8869700000000003 , 40.566190000000006 ], [-3.88384 , 40.563810000000004 ], [-3.8850200000000004 , 40.560790000000004 ], [-3.88228 , 40.55948 ], [-3.8782400000000004 , 40.55939 ], [-3.8754500000000003 , 40.558730000000004 ], [-3.8751500000000005 , 40.558020000000006 ], [-3.87393 , 40.55758 ], [-3.8729700000000005 , 40.55521 ], [-3.8728800000000003 , 40.553470000000004 ], [-3.8706600000000004 , 40.55102 ], [-3.86905 , 40.5482 ], [-3.86939 , 40.54733 ], [-3.8671900000000003 , 40.545440000000006 ], [-3.8656200000000003 , 40.54355 ], [-3.8655000000000004 , 40.542370000000005 ], [-3.8638500000000002 , 40.53931 ], [-3.86296 , 40.534740000000006 ], [-3.86059 , 40.53295000000001 ], [-3.85807 , 40.530150000000006 ], [-3.8576 , 40.52788 ], [-3.8561000000000005 , 40.527010000000004 ], [-3.8536200000000003 , 40.52438 ], [-3.8543900000000004 , 40.5214 ], [-3.8533500000000003 , 40.519510000000004 ], [-3.8513200000000003 , 40.51758 ], [-3.8522300000000005 , 40.5155 ], [-3.8533600000000003 , 40.514430000000004 ], [-3.8540000000000005 , 40.51198 ], [-3.8523700000000005 , 40.509640000000005 ], [-3.8370800000000003 , 40.50585 ], [-3.8386500000000003 , 40.502700000000004 ], [-3.8393800000000002 , 40.4994 ], [-3.8345200000000004 , 40.49416 ], [-3.83319 , 40.487770000000005 ], [-3.8341800000000004 , 40.484190000000005 ], [-3.8366700000000002 , 40.480920000000005 ], [-3.8373800000000005 , 40.4757 ], [-3.8362100000000003 , 40.474680000000006 ], [-3.8374400000000004 , 40.47303 ], [-3.8381100000000004 , 40.47091 ], [-3.8382400000000003 , 40.467760000000006 ], [-3.8342400000000003 , 40.464310000000005 ], [-3.8309300000000004 , 40.46591 ], [-3.8289600000000004 , 40.46629 ], [-3.8271100000000002 , 40.46598 ], [-3.8247700000000004 , 40.46482 ], [-3.8173900000000005 , 40.46441 ], [-3.8151500000000005 , 40.4637 ], [-3.8128800000000003 , 40.463710000000006 ], [-3.81056 , 40.46419 ], [-3.8104800000000005 , 40.464580000000005 ], [-3.8051100000000004 , 40.463680000000004 ], [-3.8047400000000002 , 40.462790000000005 ], [-3.8033300000000003 , 40.46255 ], [-3.8026800000000005 , 40.46162 ], [-3.8014600000000005 , 40.461310000000005 ], [-3.7987800000000003 , 40.45875 ], [-3.7958800000000004 , 40.45785 ], [-3.7954700000000003 , 40.45649 ], [-3.7928900000000003 , 40.45382 ], [-3.7933100000000004 , 40.4532 ], [-3.7922100000000003 , 40.451710000000006 ], [-3.7910500000000003 , 40.44785 ], [-3.79036 , 40.447700000000005 ], [-3.7901700000000003 , 40.446580000000004 ], [-3.7888200000000003 , 40.44576 ], [-3.7892200000000003 , 40.444630000000004 ], [-3.7886 , 40.44373 ], [-3.7874600000000003 , 40.444230000000005 ], [-3.7831300000000003 , 40.44431 ], [-3.78257 , 40.44511000000001 ], [-3.7793 , 40.444120000000005 ], [-3.7775000000000003 , 40.44368 ], [-3.7706800000000005 , 40.4436 ], [-3.7707800000000002 , 40.42969 ], [-3.7793 , 40.42392 ], [-3.7804100000000003 , 40.42183 ], [-3.78141 , 40.417500000000004 ], [-3.7793 , 40.411500000000004 ], [-3.7788100000000004 , 40.40889000000001 ], [-3.77633 , 40.403960000000005 ], [-3.7744000000000004 , 40.40204000000001 ], [-3.77457 , 40.40021 ], [-3.7760900000000004 , 40.40001 ], [-3.7776300000000003 , 40.39905 ], [-3.7781100000000003 , 40.39764 ], [-3.7793 , 40.39717 ], [-3.78195 , 40.39397 ], [-3.7854 , 40.393080000000005 ], [-3.79042 , 40.392320000000005 ], [-3.79246 , 40.39356 ], [-3.7937600000000002 , 40.393550000000005 ], [-3.79646 , 40.39217 ], [-3.7989100000000002 , 40.39211 ], [-3.8048800000000003 , 40.39202 ], [-3.8108600000000004 , 40.39271 ], [-3.8148500000000003 , 40.39394 ], [-3.8193400000000004 , 40.396300000000004 ], [-3.8210100000000002 , 40.39652 ], [-3.8350800000000005 , 40.396100000000004 ], [-3.8335100000000004 , 40.39491 ], [-3.8279500000000004 , 40.387370000000004 ], [-3.82547 , 40.384820000000005 ], [-3.82343 , 40.381400000000006 ], [-3.8183800000000003 , 40.37621 ], [-3.8128800000000003 , 40.36948 ], [-3.8104700000000005 , 40.36366 ], [-3.8070100000000004 , 40.36645 ], [-3.80283 , 40.363220000000005 ], [-3.7945200000000003 , 40.36151 ], [-3.78764 , 40.35857 ], [-3.7793 , 40.36222 ], [-3.7733300000000005 , 40.359860000000005 ], [-3.7718400000000005 , 40.359590000000004 ], [-3.7716300000000005 , 40.35985 ], [-3.7607600000000003 , 40.357730000000004 ], [-3.75992 , 40.357940000000006 ], [-3.75768 , 40.35712 ], [-3.73579 , 40.36202 ], [-3.7273400000000003 , 40.36455 ], [-3.72102 , 40.36513 ], [-3.7240800000000003 , 40.341800000000006 ], [-3.72494 , 40.33469 ], [-3.7241100000000005 , 40.33348 ], [-3.72068 , 40.331 ], [-3.71504 , 40.328010000000006 ], [-3.7147900000000003 , 40.32705 ], [-3.71315 , 40.32616 ], [-3.71253 , 40.323690000000006 ], [-3.70325 , 40.32209 ], [-3.6966200000000002 , 40.32229 ], [-3.6933100000000003 , 40.32045 ], [-3.6920800000000003 , 40.320240000000005 ], [-3.6914100000000003 , 40.320890000000006 ], [-3.6849600000000002 , 40.322320000000005 ], [-3.6821800000000002 , 40.32361 ], [-3.6809700000000003 , 40.32446 ], [-3.6803700000000004 , 40.325630000000004 ], [-3.6792000000000002 , 40.32623 ], [-3.67403 , 40.32574 ], [-3.6703600000000005 , 40.324940000000005 ], [-3.6681600000000003 , 40.325520000000004 ], [-3.6639600000000003 , 40.32883 ], [-3.66305 , 40.328860000000006 ], [-3.6611300000000004 , 40.32771 ], [-3.6598300000000004 , 40.327690000000004 ], [-3.6500200000000005 , 40.332150000000006 ], [-3.6490700000000005 , 40.333110000000005 ], [-3.6442200000000002 , 40.33034000000001 ], [-3.6430900000000004 , 40.32905 ], [-3.6373100000000003 , 40.325880000000005 ], [-3.6323600000000003 , 40.321740000000005 ], [-3.6292000000000004 , 40.32001 ], [-3.6260600000000003 , 40.31897 ], [-3.6251800000000003 , 40.31985 ], [-3.62447 , 40.31992 ], [-3.6199800000000004 , 40.319120000000005 ], [-3.6162600000000005 , 40.31781 ], [-3.6133400000000004 , 40.31514000000001 ], [-3.61119 , 40.31429000000001 ], [-3.6035200000000005 , 40.312830000000005 ], [-3.59839 , 40.312070000000006 ]]]
"properties" : {
"name" :"Madrid" ,
"copyright" :"© 2024 Microsoft and its suppliers. This API and any results cannot be used or accessed without Microsoft's express written permission." ,
"copyrightURL" :"https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/" ,
"geometriesCopyright" :[ {
"sourceName" : "TOM" , "copyright" :"TomTom"
Like Bing Maps Geodata API, Azure Maps Get Polygon API logs one billable transaction per request. For more information on Azure Maps transactions, see Understanding Azure Maps Transactions .
Azure Maps Get Geocoding API: Use to get latitude and longitude coordinates of a street address or name of a place.
Azure Maps Get Geocoding Batch API: Use to send a batch of queries to the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API in a single request.