Azure Key Vault Analytics solution in Azure Monitor


This solution is deprecated. We now recommend using Key Vault insights.

Key Vault symbol


We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. See Install Azure PowerShell to get started. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.

You can use the Azure Key Vault solution in Azure Monitor to review Azure Key Vault AuditEvent logs.

To use the solution, you need to enable logging of Azure Key Vault diagnostics and direct the diagnostics to a Log Analytics workspace. It is not necessary to write the logs to Azure Blob storage.


In January 2017, the supported way of sending logs from Key Vault to Log Analytics changed. If the Key Vault solution you are using shows (deprecated) in the title, refer to migrating from the old Key Vault solution for steps you need to follow.

Install and configure the solution

Use the following instructions to install and configure the Azure Key Vault solution:

  1. Use the process described in Add Azure Monitor solutions from the Solutions Gallery to add the Azure Key Vault solution to your Log Analytics workspace.
  2. Enable diagnostics logging for the Key Vault resources to monitor, using either the portal or PowerShell

Enable Key Vault diagnostics in the portal

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the Key Vault resource to monitor

  2. Select Diagnostics settings to open the following page

    Screenshot of the Diagnostics settings page for the Key Vault resource ContosoKVSCUS.The option to Turn on diagnostics is highlighted.

  3. Click Turn on diagnostics to open the following page

    Screenshot of the page for configuring Diagnostics settings. The options for Send to Log Analytics, AuditEvent log, and AllMetrics are selected.

  4. Give a name to the diagnostic setting.

  5. Click the checkbox for Send to Log Analytics

  6. Select an existing Log Analytics workspace, or create a workspace

  7. To enable AuditEvent logs, click the checkbox under Log

  8. Click Save to enable the logging of diagnostics to Log Analytics workspace.

Enable Key Vault diagnostics using PowerShell

The following PowerShell script provides an example of how to use Set-AzDiagnosticSetting to enable resource logging for Key Vault:

$workspaceId = "/subscriptions/d2e37fee-1234-40b2-5678-0b2199de3b50/resourcegroups/oi-default-east-us/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/rollingbaskets"

$kv = Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName 'ContosoKeyVault'

Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $kv.ResourceId  -WorkspaceId $workspaceId -Enabled $true

Review Azure Key Vault data collection details

Azure Key Vault solution collects diagnostics logs directly from the Key Vault. It is not necessary to write the logs to Azure Blob storage and no agent is required for data collection.

The following table shows data collection methods and other details about how data is collected for Azure Key Vault.

Platform Direct agent Systems Center Operations Manager agent Azure Operations Manager required? Operations Manager agent data sent via management group Collection frequency
Azure on arrival

Use Azure Key Vault

After you install the solution, view the Key Vault data by clicking the Key Vault Analytics tile from the Azure Monitor Overview page. Open this page from the Azure Monitor menu by clicking More under the Insights section.

Screenshot of the Key Vault Analytics tile on the Azure Monitor Overview page showing a graph of key vault operations volume over time.

After you click the Key Vault Analytics tile, you can view summaries of your logs and then drill in to details for the following categories:

  • Volume of all key vault operations over time
  • Failed operation volumes over time
  • Average operational latency by operation
  • Quality of service for operations with the number of operations that take more than 1000 ms and a list of operations that take more than 1000 ms

Screenshot of the Azure Key Vault dashboard showing tiles with graphic data for All Operations, Failed Operations, and Average Operational Latency.

Screenshot of the Azure Key Vault dashboard showing tiles with data for Average Operational Latency, Quality of Service, and Recommended Searches.

To view details for any operation

  1. On the Overview page, click the Key Vault Analytics tile.

  2. On the Azure Key Vault dashboard, review the summary information in one of the panes, and then click one to view detailed information about it in the log search page.

    On any of the log search pages, you can view results by time, detailed results, and your log search history. You can also filter by facets to narrow the results.

Azure Monitor log records

The Azure Key Vault solution analyzes records that have a type of KeyVaults that are collected from AuditEvent logs in Azure Diagnostics. Properties for these records are in the following table:

Property Description
Type AzureDiagnostics
SourceSystem Azure
CallerIpAddress IP address of the client who made the request
Category AuditEvent
CorrelationId An optional GUID that the client can pass to correlate client-side logs with service-side (Key Vault) logs.
DurationMs Time it took to service the REST API request, in milliseconds. This time does not include network latency, so the time that you measure on the client side might not match this time.
httpStatusCode_d HTTP status code returned by the request (for example, 200)
id_s Unique ID of the request
identity_claim_appid_g GUID for the application ID
OperationName Name of the operation, as documented in Azure Key Vault Logging
OperationVersion REST API version requested by the client (for example 2015-06-01)
requestUri_s Uri of the request
Resource Name of the key vault
ResourceGroup Resource group of the key vault
ResourceId Azure Resource Manager Resource ID. For Key Vault logs, this is the Key Vault resource ID.
ResourceType VAULTS
ResultSignature HTTP status (for example, OK)
ResultType Result of REST API request (for example, Success)
SubscriptionId Azure subscription ID of the subscription containing the Key Vault

Migrating from the old Key Vault solution

In January 2017, the supported way of sending logs from Key Vault to Log Analytics changed. These changes provide the following advantages:

  • Logs are written directly to a Log Analytics workspace without the need to use a storage account
  • Less latency from the time when logs are generated to them being available in Log Analytics
  • Fewer configuration steps
  • A common format for all types of Azure diagnostics

To use the updated solution:

  1. Configure diagnostics to be sent directly to a Log Analytics workspace from Key Vault
  2. Enable the Azure Key Vault solution by using the process described in Add Azure Monitor solutions from the Solutions Gallery
  3. Update any saved queries, dashboards, or alerts to use the new data type
    • Type is change from: KeyVaults to AzureDiagnostics. You can use the ResourceType to filter to Key Vault Logs.
    • Instead of: KeyVaults, use AzureDiagnostics | where ResourceType'=="VAULTS"
    • Fields: (Field names are case-sensitive)
    • For any field that has a suffix of _s, _d, or _g in the name, change the first character to lower case
    • For any field that has a suffix of _o in name, the data is split into individual fields based on the nested field names. For example, the UPN of the caller is stored in a field identity_claim_http_schemas_xmlsoap_org_ws_2005_05_identity_claims_upn_s
    • Field CallerIpAddress changed to CallerIPAddress
    • Field RemoteIPCountry is no longer present
  4. Remove the Key Vault Analytics (Deprecated) solution. If you are using PowerShell, use Set-AzureOperationalInsightsIntelligencePack -ResourceGroupName <resource group that the workspace is in> -WorkspaceName <name of the log analytics workspace> -IntelligencePackName "KeyVault" -Enabled $false

Data collected before the change is not visible in the new solution. You can continue to query for this data using the old Type and field names.


Troubleshoot Azure Diagnostics

If you receive the following error message, the Microsoft.Insights resource provider isn't registered:

Failed to update diagnostics for 'resource'. {"code":"Forbidden","message":"Please register the subscription 'subscription id' with Microsoft.Insights."}

To register the resource provider, perform the following steps in the Azure portal:

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, select Subscriptions.
  2. Select the subscription identified in the error message.
  3. Select Resource providers.
  4. Find the microsoft.insights provider.
  5. Select the Register link.

Screenshot that shows registering the microsoft.insights resource provider.

After the Microsoft.Insights resource provider is registered, retry configuring the diagnostics.

In PowerShell, if you receive the following error message, you must update your version of PowerShell:

Set-AzDiagnosticSetting : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'WorkspaceId'.

To update your version of Azure PowerShell, follow the instructions in Install Azure PowerShell.

Next steps