Common Logs

Depending on the issue you're trying to troubleshoot, there are different logs and standard paths to check for more information.

Server Purpose Path
CycleCloud CycleCloud server application logs /opt/cycle_server/logs/cycle_server.log
CycleCloud Log of all API requests to Azure from CycleCloud /opt/cycle_server/logs/azure-*.log
Cluster Node Chef logs/troubleshooting software installation issues /opt/cycle/jetpack/logs/chef-client.log
Cluster Node Detailed chef stacktrace output /opt/cycle/jetpack/system/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
Cluster Node Detailed cluster-init log output /opt/cycle/jetpack/logs/cluster-init/{PROJECT_NAME}
Cluster Node Waagent logs (used to install Jetpack) /var/log/waagent.log