.drop materialized-view

Drops a materialized view.


You must have at least Materialized View Admin permissions to run this command.


.drop materialized-view MaterializedViewName [ifexists]

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
MaterializedViewName string ✔️ Name of the materialized view.


The command returns all materialized views in the database, after the drop, which is the output of the show materialized view command.

Output schema:

Name Type Description
Name string Name of the materialized view.
SourceTable string Name of source table on which the view is defined.
Query string Query definition of the materialized view.
MaterializedTo datetime Maximum materialized ingestion_time() timestamp in source table. For more information, see how materialized views work.
LastRun datetime Last time materialization was run.
LastRunResult string Result of last run. Returns Completed for successful runs, otherwise Failed.
IsHealthy bool true when view is considered healthy, false otherwise. View is considered healthy if it was successfully materialized up to the last hour (MaterializedTo is greater than ago(1h)).
IsEnabled bool true when view is enabled (see Disable or enable materialized view).
Folder string Folder under which the materialized view is created.
DocString string Description assigned to the materialized view.
AutoUpdateSchema bool Whether the view is enabled for auto updates.
EffectiveDateTime datetime Effective date time of the view, determined during creation time (see .create materialized-view).
Lookback timespan Time span limiting the period of time in which duplicates are expected.


Drop one materialized view

The following command drops materialized view ViewName:

.drop materialized-view ViewName


Name SourceTable Query MaterializedTo LastRun LastRunResult IsHealthy IsEnabled Folder DocString AutoUpdateSchema EffectiveDateTime Lookback
ArgMax T T | summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by User 2023-02-26T16:40:03.3345704Z 2023-02-26T16:44:15.9033667Z Completed true true false 2023-02-23T14:01:42.5172342Z
MyView MyTable MyTable | summarize arg_max(Column3, *) by Column1 2023-02-26T16:40:03.3345704Z 2023-02-26T16:44:15.9033667Z Completed true true true 2023-02-23T14:01:42.5172342Z